Anybody care to speculate on if we'll be able to pop in a PC graphics card and use it in Boot Camp? The X1900 is a sweet card, but I don't want to do my usual pattern of upgrading my tower by selling the old and buying the new over 6-8 months.
Dont Hurt Me said:Depends on the drivers. Still a little surprised Apple went so cheap with the base card in a $2500 machine. The 7300 Gt get 44 FPS in the base machine at 1280 x 1024 the upside to that is you could just pop in another card I guess. The ati X1900 gets 106 FPS and the Quadro 4500 gets 110.
topgunn said:Up until now, you could flash PC video cards with a Mac ROM to make it Mac compatible. This is all well and good to get the card to work in Mac OSX but how will this work when we have Intel-based Macs running BootCamp?
Rob-ART said:My guess is that Apple will still need special firmware in the cards to "talk" to the video card unless, because they are promoting Boot Camp and Parallels, they convince ATI and nVIDIA to put cross platform firmware in a larger ROM.
With 7300 think of the 6600. In otherwords its quite a bit slower then the 6800 line. The 7300 is a hundred dollar card that Apple sells for $150spicyapple said:Just how much faster or slower is the stock GeForce 7300 card compared to the old GeForce 6800 Ultra that were bto options with the previous PowerMacs?
I'm unsure if I should keep the 7300 or spend $350 to get the ATI X1900?