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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jul 19, 2018
Hey everyone,
I have programmed a stock market simulation ( where the players make the market, everyone controls their own Public Joint Stock Company(=PJSC). This game is an arcade version of the stock market and it has similarities to the real world. As it has its own closed market, it is not linked to the real economic.

Quick Facts:
- Bonds cause inflation (Bonds issued by system, User buys them and gets them back guaranteed after x days with interest rates
- Credits and also Newcomers cause deflation because the system will hold in the beginning 70% of the shares of the newcomer and will sell them to the market for more than the book value
- Users also have a private-depot and depot for their Public Joint Stock Company. Private-Depots are not visible in the shareholders data which makes it a useful tool to takeover another PJSC.
- Users will need 75% + 1 Share to takeover another PJSC
- Users will hold 30% of their own company in their private-depot in the beginning.
- Game has its own key figures, Elo-Scores and its own stock market index
- Chat in game to make communication better

We are also searching for Tutors & Admins, so keep in touch if you are interested and have understood the game.

I would appreciate any feedback and thanks for your time. If you got any questions, feel free to ask

Best Regards,

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