Forbes, in the article in which they cite the Facebook Mac Pro petition group, reasons that it is not only the mobile Apple universe (iPod, iPad, iPhone) that drives consumers choice (i.e. I buy Apple computers because I like Apple mobile stuff) but also the other way round. I. e. if a user has to replace a Mac Pro with a PC, then his next laptop might be a Windows one. Then his next telephone will probably be an Android. Se there will be no need to replace the iPad with another one, but any tablet will be fine. Same fate for the iPods in the family.
I personally come from the Mac since before the iPod and to tell the truth I have resisted a few years before jumping into the iPod, iPad, iPhone environment. I have used all Palm devices including the LifeDrive, a pathetic move to fight the iPod. Only recently with the iPhone 4, which replaced a Palm Centro, and the iPad, I decided it was time to give Apple mobile devices a try, and I like them. However, personally I don't know if I will keep buying Apple stuff if I can no longer buy Mac Pros.
This is the Forbes article:
I know the link has already been posted elsewhere, but here I would like to know how many of us came to the Mac after the iDevices and how many will stay in the iDevice market if Apple stops making theMac Pro. Thanks Concorde Rules for the link, which I had missed.
I personally come from the Mac since before the iPod and to tell the truth I have resisted a few years before jumping into the iPod, iPad, iPhone environment. I have used all Palm devices including the LifeDrive, a pathetic move to fight the iPod. Only recently with the iPhone 4, which replaced a Palm Centro, and the iPad, I decided it was time to give Apple mobile devices a try, and I like them. However, personally I don't know if I will keep buying Apple stuff if I can no longer buy Mac Pros.
This is the Forbes article:
I know the link has already been posted elsewhere, but here I would like to know how many of us came to the Mac after the iDevices and how many will stay in the iDevice market if Apple stops making theMac Pro. Thanks Concorde Rules for the link, which I had missed.
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