So i clicked on the CHECK FOR UPGRADES button when i plugged my iphone into the cpu, a few times it came up saying no upgrades available, i read that it is something that is happening, and just try back again.. So i did 1/2 hour later and it said 2.0 is available, click ok to continue to upgrade.. so i did.. it went through the whole upgrade, asked me to close out itunes and restart, which i did.. but now when i go to my iphone info, it still says 1.4 for the version..
has anyone else had this happen to them??
I wondering if i have to do it again, or if its just a glitch in what it is showing. It didnt SEEM to do anything to the iphone when the itunes was upgrading.
has anyone else had this happen to them??
I wondering if i have to do it again, or if its just a glitch in what it is showing. It didnt SEEM to do anything to the iphone when the itunes was upgrading.