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macrumors 68020
Original poster
Jul 12, 2009
Los Angeles, CA
I got an this idea from a local radio contest here in Los Angeles about a month ago, the radio station was giving away 5 free iPad's! but you needed trade something to receive it:

This were the winners that got the iPad:

1.) A guy said he would trade a big beer Keg.

2.) Another person said he would trade his 42″ flat screen HDTV along with his HD DVD player.

3.) Another dude said he would trade his old NY taxi car

4.) One person said she was willing to give all the radio staff free airplane tickets on Alaska Airlines to fly anywhere within the United States.

5.)Lastly a guy decided to donate all of his hair to an american cancer association fund program.

NOW it's YOUR TURN MR Members!

WHAT WOULD YOU TRADE OR DO FOR AN iPad?:D (this is meant for those who would want a free iPad) (Make it hilarious, fun and real as possible!)
Respect! Wonderful idea.
My soul. Possibly.
Funny, but unrealistic!:D
My fingers...... O wait:rolleyes:
Funny, but unrealistic X2!:D
My liver, I only need one anyways
You need Your Liver or else all those toxins will kill you!:D
Hmmmm, Kidney perhaps? :confused: only need one.;)
499 $1 bill
Ehhh lol..
I think we have a winner.:D:D:D
I traded my American Express. Now AE wants me to trade some of my work proceeds to them.
My old MBP is probably worth more than an iPad, but it is so beat up I can't imagine getting more than an iPad for it. :p
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