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macrumors regular
Original poster
Sep 20, 2008
It appears to me that most people who swap their iMacs in the same Apple Store they got it from end up getting the same problems. Well this could mean the entire store could have gotten a batch of bad units. So it probably does not matter much if you exchanged 4-8 times in the same store, you would probably end up with a unit in the same batch...

So far most of the "finally no more yellow" posts I have read are i7s, which are exclusive online. And most of us who order the i5s (myself included) probably gotten them in the store.

Which leads me to believe that there's something else that Apple might be doing over online orders. I think that you would have a better chance to receive a good iMac if you had ordered online vs getting a swap in the stores.

Of course this is nothing but speculation. But it's what I am planning to do within the next weeks, probably after Apple's event.
It appears to me that most people who swap their iMacs in the same Apple Store they got it from end up getting the same problems. Well this could mean the entire store could have gotten a batch of bad units. So it probably does not matter much if you exchanged 4-8 times in the same store, you would probably end up with a unit in the same batch...

So far most of the "finally no more yellow" posts I have read are i7s, which are exclusive online. And most of us who order the i5s (myself included) probably gotten them in the store.

Which leads me to believe that there's something else that Apple might be doing over online orders. I think that you would have a better chance to receive a good iMac if you had ordered online vs getting a swap in the stores.

Of course this is nothing but speculation. But it's what I am planning to do within the next weeks, probably after Apple's event.

Online replacement, week 50, comes with yellow tinge.

Nice theory but I've read a fair few multiple online replacements all with yellow hue.
I just wonder where all these returned units are going. 27" iMacs are rare in the refurb store. And it isn't legal to sell a returned unit as "new". I don't think that many people are returning them. Those that are are very vocal!

(I got a "perfect" one the first time.)
I just wonder where all these returned units are going. 27" iMacs are rare in the refurb store. And it isn't legal to sell a returned unit as "new". I don't think that many people are returning them. Those that are are very vocal!

(I got a "perfect" one the first time.)

They'll start filtering through over the next few weeks, mark my words.
I was very nervous unpacking my brand new 27" iMac i7 that had been delayed for a long time. I think the delay is what saved me. I have now used this computer for 5 days without any problems. *knock on wood* I really hope it continues because it sure is a sweet machine!
It was made in week 52 2009 in Shanghai.
I just wonder where all these returned units are going. 27" iMacs are rare in the refurb store. And it isn't legal to sell a returned unit as "new". I don't think that many people are returning them. Those that are are very vocal!

(I got a "perfect" one the first time.)

as long as they change 1 part they can (and do) re-sell them as new.
I think it makes sense. I did an in-store swap and ended up with 2 week 47's with the same problems. Now (and from here on, if necessary) I'm doing an online swap. We shall see.

Week 48 - Flicker
Week 50 - Flicker, Yellow
Week 02 - Yellow

Different batches, all from online. Your theory is bunk.
fine, don't..

I;ve bought new and 'sealed' products from Apple retail stores with hard drives with personal files on.

I ask this question in all sincerity as I'm interested in your motivation....

If you dislike Apple products so much and, by your own admission, do not even own any Apple products what so ever, why are you such a prolific poster on an Apple forum?

I can totally understand your personal choice of not liking Apple, that's completely your prerogative, but surely most people would then just move along and not even bother contributing to an Apple forum. Instead you are on this forum, more or less, on a daily basis posting your opinions which are all negative. I have read your posting history and some of your claims of Apple ownership are, at best, contradictory.
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