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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Jul 5, 2008
Thermo Watch - Mac App Store Link ($2.99)

To round out support for all of Apple's hardware, I've now ported Thermo Watch to Mac. The app has existed for some time on Apple Watch, iOS devices and Apple TV, and the Mac app uses the same proven and reliable codebase, with enhancements to take advantage of macOS. Those who had no previous experience with it, you can see here about the watch app and the iOS Widget component:

This is what the app looks like. It sits in the menu bar, and has a pop-out window that lists all your thermostats. The menu bar displays the ambient temperatures from all of the thermostats, and it updates instantly and continuously in the background, to reflect any changes thermostats are going through. The popout also presents the most up to date status as soon as you open it, with no wait time.

Other than changing the temperature, the app lets you change the Away state, HVAC mode, and lets you turn the fan on/off.


Today pane widget offers all the same functionality, and can be enabled even while the main app is not running. So it you prefer to not have another thing in the menu bar, the widget lets you have the quick access to all your thermostats with a single swipe.


Since Apple doesn't allow shared purchase between the iOS and macOS apps, my plan is to give away the codes for this app to anyone here who already owns Thermo Watch for iOS. Contact me, and I'll send you the download code, for as long as I have them - Apple lets me generate 100 of them, per released version. Also, to start things off, I've put 10 codes that are free for taking in the code giveaway forum:

If you have any questions, comments, or ideas for an improvement, please let me know. I'm usually prety quick to fix any problems, or add new features.
This is great. I love your apps on my phone and watch. I have been waiting for a good next app for my mac. Thanks again.
Have had the app on my phone forever just for the notification center widget. Love it. Now I have it on my new watch. I'd love it on my mac. I'll PM you.

EDIT: I found one of the codes in the thread you linked wasn't used, so I've grabbed it from there. Thanks, @Marconelly!
I've released an update that adds a few nice features:
- Realtime status bar color highlighting, that indicates when the system is heating or cooling. If you don't like having colors on the menu bar, there is now a settings menu where this can be disabled.
- In the same settings menu, you can now switch between the Light and Dark app UI.

I'd also like to notify everyone that you should only use your main Nest account to log in to the app. Nest doesn't yet allow 3rd party apps to use the secondary (Family) accounts for login. I've got a report from a user who said that after logging in with his family account, the log out from the app wasn't working properly anymore, and we resolved the issue by deleting the app and its settings folder, and then re-installing it. Let me know if you run into this issue, and I'll provide exact steps how to resolve them - and of course I'm looking into the log out problem right now. I know it used to work, but Nest has changed their login pages recently.

I would also like to point out that I've had to change the icon slighly on Apple reviewer's demand, who had me remove the Nest leaf from the icon and replace it with just a green circle. I am certain I'm fully legally in the right to use the Nest leaf (it says so on the Nest site) but even though the reviewer understood that, they still wouldn't let me use it, because they thought it might make people think the app is an official Nest product. So, if you want to keep the icon with the Leaf (let's say, if you keep the app icon in the dock), make sure to copy it somewhere before you do an update, and then re-apply the icon you saved onto a new app :)
@Marconelly, is there a way to only use the widget and not have it take up space in my menubar? I'd rather have it "hide" in the notification center.
For sure, yes. Just quit the app :) It will continue existing and working as the widget in the notification center.
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