Picked up a S10 46mm last night.
I bought a S7 41mm roughly three years ago. Picked it up as a somewhat impulsive buy when Amazon had a deep discount. Hadn't looked at or tried any on in a store prior, only looked at a coworkers older larger watch. That eventually proved to be a mistake. I went with the 41mm at the time partially due to the cost and partially I thought the larger would be too big. Since this was my first smart watch and I'd gone over 20 years since wearing any watch, I wasn't sure if I'd wear it long term.
I've been telling myself I was not going to buy a new Watch until the O2 sensor functionality had returned. Had I bought the larger one back then, I probably would not have just bought a new one. I ended up buying now partially because I really wanted the larger display to combat my older eyes. Battery life was starting to be a factor, but not significantly. I've also been more attentive of how the larger watches looked on people with similar sized wrists as me and the 41mm began looking too small.
I almost bought from Amazon again, for convenience, I'm glad I didn't, it would have been a mistake. I went to the store, expecting to get a black watch with the black magnetic fake leather fine woven, whatever strap. I just happened to pick up the silver first to check the size on my wrist. It happened to have the velcro strap on it at the time. I didn't care for it, but wasn't considering one anyway. I tried the magnetic one and disliked it. It seemed comfortable enough when on and looked good, but was too much of a hassle to put on and get adjusted correctly. I tried the Milanese and ended up going with that, in slate. I still thought I was going to get the black watch, but looking at it, I decided to go with the silver. My wife and I agreed the silver makes it look more like a traditional watch. I also prefer how the bezel appears against the body. I'd read here that some other people feel the same way.
I feel I do notice the slimmer case of the S10 vs the S7. I am loving the larger screen. My eyesight is at the point I needed the glasses to see the smaller screen. With the 46mm it is easier to see without my glasses and it is also easier to interact with. I may need to go back to the store to take another look at the watch face the demo watch had. I liked the appearance, but more importantly, the complications seemed larger. I cannot find that face in the Gallery. I was/am concerned about the Milanese band catching my arm hair. So far it hasn't been much more than another band I've had.
I was surprised the store said they'd give me $105 for the S7. I kept it for now, they said I have 14 days to trade it in. I'm torn between keeping it as a spare and/or for when I'm doing yard work, working on my truck, or other activities more likely to damage the watch, vs getting a protective case I can pop on when needed.
I now fully expect the S11 to somehow be a huge leap forward and make me regret buying the S10 and not waiting for the S11.
I bought a S7 41mm roughly three years ago. Picked it up as a somewhat impulsive buy when Amazon had a deep discount. Hadn't looked at or tried any on in a store prior, only looked at a coworkers older larger watch. That eventually proved to be a mistake. I went with the 41mm at the time partially due to the cost and partially I thought the larger would be too big. Since this was my first smart watch and I'd gone over 20 years since wearing any watch, I wasn't sure if I'd wear it long term.
I've been telling myself I was not going to buy a new Watch until the O2 sensor functionality had returned. Had I bought the larger one back then, I probably would not have just bought a new one. I ended up buying now partially because I really wanted the larger display to combat my older eyes. Battery life was starting to be a factor, but not significantly. I've also been more attentive of how the larger watches looked on people with similar sized wrists as me and the 41mm began looking too small.
I almost bought from Amazon again, for convenience, I'm glad I didn't, it would have been a mistake. I went to the store, expecting to get a black watch with the black magnetic fake leather fine woven, whatever strap. I just happened to pick up the silver first to check the size on my wrist. It happened to have the velcro strap on it at the time. I didn't care for it, but wasn't considering one anyway. I tried the magnetic one and disliked it. It seemed comfortable enough when on and looked good, but was too much of a hassle to put on and get adjusted correctly. I tried the Milanese and ended up going with that, in slate. I still thought I was going to get the black watch, but looking at it, I decided to go with the silver. My wife and I agreed the silver makes it look more like a traditional watch. I also prefer how the bezel appears against the body. I'd read here that some other people feel the same way.
I feel I do notice the slimmer case of the S10 vs the S7. I am loving the larger screen. My eyesight is at the point I needed the glasses to see the smaller screen. With the 46mm it is easier to see without my glasses and it is also easier to interact with. I may need to go back to the store to take another look at the watch face the demo watch had. I liked the appearance, but more importantly, the complications seemed larger. I cannot find that face in the Gallery. I was/am concerned about the Milanese band catching my arm hair. So far it hasn't been much more than another band I've had.
I was surprised the store said they'd give me $105 for the S7. I kept it for now, they said I have 14 days to trade it in. I'm torn between keeping it as a spare and/or for when I'm doing yard work, working on my truck, or other activities more likely to damage the watch, vs getting a protective case I can pop on when needed.
I now fully expect the S11 to somehow be a huge leap forward and make me regret buying the S10 and not waiting for the S11.