This is one feature I love on my iphone x and seeing as face ID likely will be going to the ipad from the iphone x hopefully they add this feature and i imagine they might seeing as there's no home button. Think will be very useful to have when on your desk.
A lot of people don't realize that "tap to wake" is, actually, a feature of the OLED screen that is always on, but not spending a lot (if any) power. I don't think that is possible on LCD screens. Of course, Apple could come up with some wizardry, who knows? But most likely, this won't be available until iPads get OLED screens.
I agree it would be cool, though. Imagine tapping the screen with Apple Pencil to enter the Notes app (without having to press the Power button first).
I thought this worked on the 8? Maybe not then
A lot of people don't realize that "tap to wake" is, actually, a feature of the OLED screen that is always on, but not spending a lot (if any) power. I don't think that is possible on LCD screens. Of course, Apple could come up with some wizardry, who knows? But most likely, this won't be available until iPads get OLED screens.
I agree it would be cool, though. Imagine tapping the screen with Apple Pencil to enter the Notes app (without having to press the Power button first).
Nokia phones years ago had this, so it definitely is available on LCDs. I think it was part of the screen though
Nokia phones had OLED screens years ago. This feature was not available on LCD Nokia phones.
Tap to wake was available all the way back in 2013 on the LG G2 (well they had double tap to wake). That was most definitely a LCD screen. It is not only available with OLED screens, although more battery certainly will be used with a LCD screen than an OLED.
Many, many Android phones have had this feature while still on LCD. Now with OLED many Androids have Always On Display that constantly shows the time, date, and notification symbols.
you have to think with no home button apple would have something to wake the screen up.
That would be beyond a pain though.Um, the power button?
But, if it is technically possible to wake it by tapping the screen, I'm sure they'll add it.
I figured it would be because isn't that how the iPhone XR works? It has the same display tech.Glad to see it’s included on the new iPads!
I've seen people use their nose.Can you tap with anything? Does it need to be a finger, or will an elbow work as well? Can Siri wake it up? Asking for all the times I’ve had my hands full and needed the screen.
Ha! I do this on my watch all the time. Pretty awkward with other devices though.I've seen people use their nose.