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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Apr 2, 2012
As the title states. I have the 1st gen 12.9 32gb as my main tablet. The 32gb is starting to get filled up. I also have the 64gb mini 4 but I only use it in bed for reading and facebook. It never leaves my nightstand. Neither device is used for work. It’s all casual web browsing/YouTube videos/Facebook at home. They never leave the house. The 12.9 is nice, but it is a little awkward using it on the couch and there are times when the mini 4 seems a little small. I’ve been thinking about selling both and getting a 10.5 pro. I’m just not sure if I would miss the 12.9” screen for watching media. On a side note, I also have a 27” iMac in my home office and iPhone 6s Plus. In theory, it seems like it would be a good compromise between the 2 sizes. Just curious to hear any input or similar situations. Thanks.
I guess it all boils down to personal preference. For me, my 10.5" iPad Pro is just the right size for using it at home or while traveling. I too have a 27" iMac in my home office which I use for serious work but the 10.5" iPad Pro is something I can hold easily while out and about.
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I dumped my 12.9 in favour of the 10.5 and MacBook Pro

This combo worked out better as great as the 12.9 was.
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I have a 12.9 and a 7.9, and they’re great for my situation. In addition, I have an SE and a 15” MBP. The 12.9 is mainly used for drawing and as a laptop replacement (the big MBP usually stays docked at my desk). I use the 7.9 for casual consumption and as my phone replacement when I’m home (I like having a small phone except when I’m at home). When I want to watch a movie or serious TV show on a bigger screen than the 7.9, I usually prefer sitting on my couch and watching on my TV. I’ll use the 12.9 if for some reason the TV is not available.

But for your situation, having one device in the middle sounds like it might be better. It seems like you won’t miss the small size of the 7.9. The only question then, like you said, is whether or not you will miss the big 12.9” screen. But the innate disadvantage of a big portable screen is that it will always be more awkward to handle. So that’s just a personal choice you have to make. Another question to ask is does your big screen media viewing need to be portable? If not, there’s always your TV (assuming you have one).
As the title states. I have the 1st gen 12.9 32gb as my main tablet. The 32gb is starting to get filled up. I also have the 64gb mini 4 but I only use it in bed for reading and facebook. It never leaves my nightstand. Neither device is used for work. It’s all casual web browsing/YouTube videos/Facebook at home. They never leave the house. The 12.9 is nice, but it is a little awkward using it on the couch and there are times when the mini 4 seems a little small. I’ve been thinking about selling both and getting a 10.5 pro. I’m just not sure if I would miss the 12.9” screen for watching media. On a side note, I also have a 27” iMac in my home office and iPhone 6s Plus. In theory, it seems like it would be a good compromise between the 2 sizes. Just curious to hear any input or similar situations. Thanks.
I'm in virtually the exact same situation as you. I too have a 1st gen 12.9 Pro, Mini 4, 11" Macbook Air, 21" iMac, and iPhone SE. I use the 12.9 Pro a lot but find that in some situations it is a bit too large. That got me thinking of getting a 10.5 Pro. But I think I would miss the larger size.

At the moment, since I'm not really settled on the matter, I decided to hand tight with what I currently have to see what shakes out over the next 6 months. I'm not really satisfied with the iPad Pro as a laptop replacement, but I do like the note-taking/sketching capabilities. That got me thinking that an iPad Mini with Apple Pencil support would be a great fit (to go alongside the 11" MBA). Maybe Apple will produce something like that.

Then there are some interesting things going on in the chromebook arena (especially 2-in-1 devices with Android app support)... things that could allow me to replace my iPads and MBA. My time with an Acer R11 chromebook have shown me that a sleek 16:10 or 4:3 thin 2-in-1 chromebook could easily do that.
I had the 12.9 and an iPad mini 4. I ended up selling both and getting the new 10.5". While I really liked the 12.9 while using it at home I found that it was just too big when traveling. I always felt like everyone around me was easily able to see everything I was doing. Not to mention that when on an airplane you have zero privacy as everyone can clearly see your huge screen. On the flip-side the iPad mini screen was just too small to enjoy a movie and read emails, etc. I find the 10.5 to be the perfect compromise between screen size and carry-ability.
That's the main reason I use the 10.5", to use at the desk, couch, or bed. I do sometimes wish the screen was larger when I'm using split screen though.

FYI, you said that your 12.9 can be a bit awkward on the couch. I find that I'm really liking the surface-esque stand on my Belkin Slim Combo cover which allows me to plop my iPad on my lap and angle it toward my eyes. It might make a 12.9 iPad easier to use on the couch as well.
I prefer the 10.5 over my 12.9 & mini 4. The portability because of size & weight match my daily use pattern.
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