I want to get a MacBook or MacBook Pro, depends on which meets my needs.
I have been asking around, getting other peoples input, should I get a new MacBook, or biuld a new PC? MY current PC is about three years old, it's sporting a 2.5 ghz P4, 768 MB Ram, Nvidia Geforce fx 5600 256 mb. It gets the job done, but its got its issues that have never been resolved. From what I've seen and hear, Macs run very smoothly, with very seldom slow down, is this true?
I also have a few other question that I haven't gotten a good answer to.
Any idea how Call of Duty 2 would run a on a new MacBook (not the pro) if done is DirectX 7? When comparing video cards to games for a Mac, do they all process exactly the same as on the PC, so the same standards could be held to both Windows and Mac systems?
I know 64 MB onboard is not by any means awesome. How much does the dual core processor help with gaming, if any? I never knew if dual core effected other peripherals or not.
Are there any not so obvious features about macs that just jump out at you, that would persuade someone to purchase one?
Does anyone have any experience with connecting to a mac with your xbox? I use Xbox Media Center, and it connects on the network with my Windows box, will it do the same for the mac?
Bottom line is; I want a Mac. I'm not the big of a gamer, I stick to call of duty and other WWII games. My current PC plays those fine for me. I would just like to have COD or BF:1942 on a laptop. And I'm also not too conerned about Bootcamp too much either. I have the cash for a MacBook, so I definately want it. I just want to prepare myself some before I just jump into it.
I appreciate any help!
I have been asking around, getting other peoples input, should I get a new MacBook, or biuld a new PC? MY current PC is about three years old, it's sporting a 2.5 ghz P4, 768 MB Ram, Nvidia Geforce fx 5600 256 mb. It gets the job done, but its got its issues that have never been resolved. From what I've seen and hear, Macs run very smoothly, with very seldom slow down, is this true?
I also have a few other question that I haven't gotten a good answer to.
Any idea how Call of Duty 2 would run a on a new MacBook (not the pro) if done is DirectX 7? When comparing video cards to games for a Mac, do they all process exactly the same as on the PC, so the same standards could be held to both Windows and Mac systems?
I know 64 MB onboard is not by any means awesome. How much does the dual core processor help with gaming, if any? I never knew if dual core effected other peripherals or not.
Are there any not so obvious features about macs that just jump out at you, that would persuade someone to purchase one?
Does anyone have any experience with connecting to a mac with your xbox? I use Xbox Media Center, and it connects on the network with my Windows box, will it do the same for the mac?
Bottom line is; I want a Mac. I'm not the big of a gamer, I stick to call of duty and other WWII games. My current PC plays those fine for me. I would just like to have COD or BF:1942 on a laptop. And I'm also not too conerned about Bootcamp too much either. I have the cash for a MacBook, so I definately want it. I just want to prepare myself some before I just jump into it.
I appreciate any help!