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macrumors 68000
Original poster
Sep 20, 2006
US of A
I have been a Mac user for over 3 years now, and have owned several different macs.

Recently (about 2 weeks ago) I sold my 24" aluminum iMac with the intent to buy an Intel i7 rig (probably building it myself).

In the meantime I have been using an old DELL with Vista installed.
Over the past few days I have been doing some thinking and decided I really my mac and OS X.

My once sleek and clean desk is now cluttered with computer gear and cables. And just the general 'easyness' of navigating the operating system is gone.

I'm worried about having problems with a new system I build as they seem almost unavoidable, and my eyetv app with the elgato hybrid tuner is simply put worlds better than vista media center.

On the flip side there are some really cool apps that are windows only, but with a lot of thought I don't think the positives outweigh the negatives...

So with out further ado, re-reswitching ;)

I will probably invest in another iMac when the release new ones..
Yes. It is cool.

I'm thinking of getting an i7 core rig as well.

Think I might just dish out the cash for the iMac though. Waiting for a new release.
I like the simplicity of the iMac as well, IMO you can't be as clean with a pc tower as you can with an iMac. With an iMac all you need is the power cable, but you need wi fi, bluetooth KB and Mouse.

I like the simplicity of the iMac as well, IMO you can't be as clean with a pc tower as you can with an iMac. With an iMac all you need is the power cable, but you need wi fi, bluetooth KB and Mouse.


Tell that to my iMac setup with a FW external drive, wacom tablet, keyboard, ethernet and ipod hanging off it. =) It's 'cleaner' if all you have is the mouse/keyboard but trust me add some peripherals and it starts to get cluttered fast.
Tell that to my iMac setup with a FW external drive, wacom tablet, keyboard, ethernet and ipod hanging off it. =) It's 'cleaner' if all you have is the mouse/keyboard but trust me add some peripherals and it starts to get cluttered fast.

I want to that the kind of desktop that I mentioned but my iMac doesn't have an airport card and I used to have all Bluetooth until my mom broke the mouse and the keyboard died.

Tell that to my iMac setup with a FW external drive, wacom tablet, keyboard, ethernet and ipod hanging off it. =) It's 'cleaner' if all you have is the mouse/keyboard but trust me add some peripherals and it starts to get cluttered fast.

My desk is full of hardware... and the MacPro is sitting on the floor, along with the UPS, router, external backup drives.. yet my disk is still very much cluttered. Perhaps I'll move the cutting board to another deck soon. :eek:

Personally it's not up to us to persuade the OP to switch either way... Sorry I'm not being very helpful here.. but you can go ahead and switch if you think it'll help.
I always want to have a super clean desktop but the clutter and cables just sneak up on you and before you know it the desk is a mess again.

The easy fix for that is to go laptop only and not have a desk!
I always want to have a super clean desktop but the clutter and cables just sneak up on you and before you know it the desk is a mess again.

The easy fix for that is to go laptop only and not have a desk!

Until you hook up decent speakers, an external hard drive, etc......
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