So I see plenty of reviews for the latest 2018 iPad, and how it marginally compares to the 2017 iPad, or some marginal difference between an iPad and an iPad Pro, or how iOS 12 adds some unbelievably obscure new feature that needs to be explored to death.
But that's not what I'm looking for. What I want to know, is what a tablet (iPad) can do, and if it's worth it for me. Even apple's website just lists the new things that iOS 12 can do, and what the new iPad brings using some ridiculous marketing terms that vaguely and with lots fo hyperbole describe some feature.
What's it like to use? What can a tablet do for me? What's it like to use e-mail? Can I easily load my own movies onto it from my server via FTP? What about programs (and don't just give me "app store is the best blah blah blah")? I mean, is there tangibly good software out there that performs as well as, or outperforms what's available for mac (stuff like stocks, MS Office, etc.?). What about sheet music on the iPad?
I already have apple products out the whazoo, not because I'm rich, but because I buy used. I have my iMac, a Macbook Pro, an iPhone SE, and an iPhone 6+.
Can a tablet add anything to this? The $330 pricepoint has me interested, but for that money I could get a nintendo switch.
But that's not what I'm looking for. What I want to know, is what a tablet (iPad) can do, and if it's worth it for me. Even apple's website just lists the new things that iOS 12 can do, and what the new iPad brings using some ridiculous marketing terms that vaguely and with lots fo hyperbole describe some feature.
What's it like to use? What can a tablet do for me? What's it like to use e-mail? Can I easily load my own movies onto it from my server via FTP? What about programs (and don't just give me "app store is the best blah blah blah")? I mean, is there tangibly good software out there that performs as well as, or outperforms what's available for mac (stuff like stocks, MS Office, etc.?). What about sheet music on the iPad?
I already have apple products out the whazoo, not because I'm rich, but because I buy used. I have my iMac, a Macbook Pro, an iPhone SE, and an iPhone 6+.
Can a tablet add anything to this? The $330 pricepoint has me interested, but for that money I could get a nintendo switch.