My parents arent the most tech savvy people out there, infact I'm still waiting for the day my Dad rings up and asks a question along the lines of 'How do I computer?'. They have an antique Acer in the corner, with a 2.3Ghz Dual-Core processor, with a gobsmacking 1GB of RAM, running that Black Hole of Suck that is Vista, and it's awfull to use.
They only really use it for putting family pictures on, browsing the web, ebay and checking mail, and I thought an iPad would be an ideal replacement for most of these tasks,
Does anyone here know how people not familiar with Tech are responding to the iPad? Anyone bought their parents one?
If so, what do they think of it? Do they find it easy to use? Do they use it often?
They only really use it for putting family pictures on, browsing the web, ebay and checking mail, and I thought an iPad would be an ideal replacement for most of these tasks,
Does anyone here know how people not familiar with Tech are responding to the iPad? Anyone bought their parents one?
If so, what do they think of it? Do they find it easy to use? Do they use it often?