I love these questions. I was in the
same postion you were 3 years ago.
I am going to answer your question
and coax you into buying a Mac, but
I do so with a lot of caution because
for some reason there are a lot of
PC fanboys that hang out on this forum
and attack people that have anything
negative to say about Windows. Not
sure why they would waste their time
in a Mac forum but you wait and see
what happens.
I was a PC owner for most of my life.
Never thought I would ever go to
Mac mainly because I think people
are brainwashed into believing that
Macs are overpriced and that they
are difficult to use.
Well, Macs are overpriced. However,
I do think you get what you pay for.
As far as being difficult to use? It took
me about 15 minutes to get over the
Mac vs. Windows subtle differences.
Within an hour I was using the Mac as
if I was using it all my life. In fact, it's
easier to use than Windows.
Long story short, my $4k custom built
PC died several times. A friend had
just bought his first Mac and was raving
about it. I took a chance, spent $3k on
a Mac Pro and it has been the best
gamble of my life.
First and foremost if gaming is your
passion, I would not consider a Mac
However, if you are creative, want to
work with first-rate software right out
of the box that lets you make movies,
webpages, music and organize your photo
collection -- then Mac is for you.
Now an owner of the new i7 iMac I could
not be any happier with my system. It
is super fast, doesn't crash all the time like
Windows, and all programs play together
nicely -- which never happened in Windows
thanks in part to its registry.
...oh, and you know you can run Windows
on your Mac. I still have one or two Windows
programs I occasionally use. Wait till you see
Parallels 5. You can run Windows and Mac at
the same time running programs side-by-side
and even transferring files. It's amazing!
I promise you that once you go Mac you
will never go back to PC. I am not trying
to be one of those "smug" Mac users, I
am just being totally honest -- and you
are hearing it from someone who was very
well versed in Windows for years on end.
Let us know what you decide to do.