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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Jul 23, 2008
New York
Ok, I realize I should have read through all the FAQ's and all that jazz but I've just been really busy guys, so I apologize for that.

I want to jailbreak my phone, i'm sure I'de be able to figure it out and all but my main question is, "What can go wrong?".

Is it at all possible that I destroy my phone? I'm REALLY not interested in buying another iPhone for 600 or whatevetr they charge.

If someone could answer that for me I'de appreciate it ALOT.

And also, between Cydia and Installer or w/e should I install one or both if I do?

To be honest im mainly jailbreaking for the customization.
Cydia and installer...and you can always restore to factory defaults, if your screen gets a crack or anything, restore, and then go to Apple, there is no way they can find out.
the first time I tried to jailbreak my iphone with quickpwn it went wrong and I restored it then I tried again and I got it but nothing will go wrong if you follow the instructions in time it works with the new 2.1 firmware so don't worry about updates hope this helps
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