I use thinkorswim, primarily as an investor -- reviewing a lot of charts to determine if a longer term trade is warranted, and checking up on existing investments as well ... I do also do some options trading, but even those are more like ... a few hours of research, a position is opened, and it remains open for something between 2 days and 2 months.
With that said, I run two copies of thinkorswim on my m1 max. One copy is a "native" version which was made by using a azul openjdk 15 and the "all other users" version of thinkorswim (search reddit r/thinkorswim to find instructions on this), and that works way smoother than my 2013 intel mac pro with 12 core xeon (which is also very reasonably smooth).
I have a second copy that I use for bookmap, which does not work on the "native" [unsupported] version of thinkorswim ... using the officially supported "mac" copy which uses rosetta emulation. that copy is very slow if i have a bunch of windows open, but is very reasoanble to use for bookmap only, with the other copy doing everything else.
hope this helps.
the machine draws barely any power, and fans aren't spinning running things this way.
the performance is WAY better than it was on my 2019 i9 16" macbook pro.