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macrumors regular
Original poster
Sep 5, 2010
I am totally naive about password managers. I am not sure why anyone would have a third party password manager, especially when using iOS 12. Can you guys please explain why I would want to subscribe to 1Password when using iOS 12? Thanks.
Redundancy and cross-platform. And possible added features.

If my iCloud Keychain gets erased/corrupted, my 3rd party app is still there. Which also has a Mac, Windows, Android client. And can be backed up to computer. And can be exported to a CSV file and imported to an encrypted spreadsheet. And all this allows me to move on easily to Windows, Android.

And my 3rd party app also allows me to add secure notes, credit card info, bank account numbers and routing numbers, PINs for services, Apple and other service recovery keys, driver's license info, passport, KTN, and pretty much anything else you can think of. Versus Keychain just remembering web site sign-ons.
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I have a "family" account with my wife (PC and iPhone user) and I (Mac, iPad, iPhone). I use 1Password for many things in addition to passwords: Credit Cards, driver's license, insurance cards, Frequent flyer numbers, Passport info, software licenses, etc. I have scans of our passports, driver's licenses, health insurance cards all attached to the entries as well.

One other thing 1P can keep is all of your time-based one-time passwords codes, and it auto-copies them to the clipboard for you as well.

Then that info syncs to all my devices. iPhone, Mac, iPad.

Additionally, my wife and I share a "vault" with all of our joint information (Credit card website login info, utility logins, Netflix, bank logins etc.). So we both have access to it all and if one of us updates the login info, it updates for both of us.
iCloud keychain is simply one small feature within a very large operating system that Apple may or may not give attention to. For third parties like 1Password and others, that is their entire business. They focus on it everyday, fixing and adding features. As mentioned, they are far more full featured than iCloud keychain.

It ultimately depends upon what you need. I moved to 1Password years ago and have never regretted it. Even their move to (an optional) subscription plan was easy to swallow as I get so much value from their product.
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Very simple. Because not near everyone uses a Mac. Keychain only works on Mac or iOS.

How exactly does one sync passwords between PC and iOS then? Keep 2 separate sets of passwords in different apps/keychain and manually update the other when things change?

And keychain only stores passwords. Third party password managers can store secure notes, credit card numbers, PINs, etc. Lots of types of information encrypted with your passwords.
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Very simple. Because not near everyone uses a Mac. Keychain only works on Mac or iOS.

How exactly does one sync passwords between PC and iOS then? Keep 2 separate sets of passwords in different apps/keychain and manually update the other when things change?

And keychain only stores passwords. Third party password managers can store secure notes, credit card numbers, PINs, etc. Lots of types of information encrypted with your passwords.
I even store my vehicle info in it such as VIN, plate info, and other info that might be needed.
I have been a very happy 1Password user for years, but I am done with any future upgrades. Currently I am using 1Password 6 but I have ZERO interest in upgrading to version 7 and paying a monthly fee to store what amounts to a few kilobytes of data on their servers when my current version will store the data and sync on Dropbox (free account). I don't know how long version 6 will continue to work but I will use it until I can't. There is a "stand alone" version 7 that you can buy but it's ridiculously high price compared to what I paid for current version. Also, they do not appear to offer and "upgrade" price for existing version 6 license holders. Sorry, I'm done. I'm on High Sierra now and hope it will still work on Mojave. If not, then I'll just keep my stuff on a spread sheet or find other PW manager to use. With KeyChain I don't need the "autofill" function as keychain does that very nicely. It would be great if Apple would upgrade KeyChain to offer more functionality similar to 1Pass so that 3rd party password managers would not be necessary. /vent.
I understand your comments and the issues you have with a subscription service, but I will challenge you on the cost of a standalone license. I believe it costs $65. That is far from expensive for the type of product 1Password is, and the level of support and updating it gets.

I have been a very happy 1Password user for years, but I am done with any future upgrades. Currently I am using 1Password 6 but I have ZERO interest in upgrading to version 7 and paying a monthly fee to store what amounts to a few kilobytes of data on their servers when my current version will store the data and sync on Dropbox (free account). I don't know how long version 6 will continue to work but I will use it until I can't. There is a "stand alone" version 7 that you can buy but it's ridiculously high price compared to what I paid for current version. Also, they do not appear to offer and "upgrade" price for existing version 6 license holders. Sorry, I'm done. I'm on High Sierra now and hope it will still work on Mojave. If not, then I'll just keep my stuff on a spread sheet or find other PW manager to use. With KeyChain I don't need the "autofill" function as keychain does that very nicely. It would be great if Apple would upgrade KeyChain to offer more functionality similar to 1Pass so that 3rd party password managers would not be necessary. /vent.
I use KyPass on my phone. Save my database on OneDrive. At home, we use desktop KeePass app, both my wife and I, from our own machines / profiles. At work, I use PassKeep to open that exact same password database and use it there too if I need it. On her phone, my wife also uses KyPass.

So basically: both of us use a family password manager account; it has > 400 accounts in it. Everything uses a long and complex password. We both have access to this from any machine / device we use. And it only cost me a single price for the KyPass app.
I understand your comments and the issues you have with a subscription service, but I will challenge you on the cost of a standalone license. I believe it costs $65. That is far from expensive for the type of product 1Password is, and the level of support and updating it gets.

Well, I'm on a fixed income (retired) and really don't feel like forking out $65 on top of the $49 already paid for v6. Looking for a less expensive option, even if it doesn't have all the bells and whistles of 1Pass.
Well, I'm on a fixed income (retired) and really don't feel like forking out $65 on top of the $49 already paid for v6. Looking for a less expensive option, even if it doesn't have all the bells and whistles of 1Pass.
I work and I’m fixed income too.... heck, my parents are retired and get more raises the I do. I never got that statement. At all.

There are tons of options out there, and I tried them all. 1Password is probably the easiest to use for people.
Last pass for me and it’s a lot cheaper than 65! I love it and it works great for me...
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