Iphone 2g jailbroken with pwnage tool. Software 2.1
My iphone started getting this message at random on Saturday thus rendering the phone useless.
I have used numerous connections and usb and tried connecting to itunesvia mac and windows but itunes wont recosnise the phone.
The battery on my phone is now about to go.
My last attempt was to clear all setting etc from the iphone via settings.
The last thing I could see on my phone was the man which indicates the phone is in recovery mode.
I have cleaned the connection etc and still no joy.
So I currently have an iphone paperweight.
Can anybody help me get this phone back working. Phone is just under 12 months old but cant take it to apple.
As I speak the picture of the man indicating recovery mode came on for about 10 seconds and went off again. I have less than 10% battery.
Thanks for any replies.
My iphone started getting this message at random on Saturday thus rendering the phone useless.
I have used numerous connections and usb and tried connecting to itunesvia mac and windows but itunes wont recosnise the phone.
The battery on my phone is now about to go.
My last attempt was to clear all setting etc from the iphone via settings.
The last thing I could see on my phone was the man which indicates the phone is in recovery mode.
I have cleaned the connection etc and still no joy.
So I currently have an iphone paperweight.
Can anybody help me get this phone back working. Phone is just under 12 months old but cant take it to apple.
As I speak the picture of the man indicating recovery mode came on for about 10 seconds and went off again. I have less than 10% battery.
Thanks for any replies.