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macrumors regular
Original poster
Oct 17, 2006
Lubbock, TX
Okay, so I'm in the market for a longer f2.8 nikon lens (and i don't feel like losing a kidney and my first born to get the 70-200 VR f2.8...) I see deals around (craigslist, etc.) that have the older 80-200 f2.8's for under a grand, in fact, some are as cheap as 400 bucks (400 bucks is more like a blood donation once a month for a while haha). BUT i read on one of the ads that the guy had tried the lens on his D50 and had gotten a E99 error. So, I'm wondering if the guy just had his aperture ring set to manual and it was freaking out his camera, or if the older vintage lenses just plain don't play nice with the Dslr's?

Also, I've seen two different types of the 80-200's (the push-pull and the newer kind). Does anyone here have either of these and which one would stand up to the most abuse over time? Thanks.


macrumors 6502
Jun 22, 2006
The 80-200 lenses were pro grade lenses. Nikon still makes and sells the 80-200 AF-D lens as new to supplement the 70-200 VR. All are very similar in optical and build quality with the 70-200 being on top.


macrumors G5
Jan 5, 2006
Redondo Beach, California
Any AF lens will work on a D50. The going price for a used 80-200 f/2.8 is about $650. (more or less of course.) they sell new at a discounted price of just under a grand. Nikon has made a few versions of these lenses. All are good


macrumors 6502a
Jul 21, 2003
The old AF 80-200 2.8's are mechanical auto focus not the new silent wave lenses. You would loose the ability to manually focus when you are using the older lens on AF. They are capable lenses. Some are push pull and some are the twist kind. I would guess the cheaper the lens than they are the push pull kind. I have used all three kinds and they all work great. KEH is a great place to look for a good used lens. Better than craigslist for quality assurances. You can easily return lens to KEH if you are not happy with it. There are a few 80-200's on the site ranging from 599-725 can't go wrong at that price.


Oct 17, 2005
Why not look at the sigma 70-200 APO HSM for nikon mount.

I have it for minolta withough HSM and its great, the newer version is macro but i have heard that it is of lower optical quality. Cant validate that though.

Great lens

Great price
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