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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jul 26, 2018
Okay, I have been driving myself crazy wondering why my phone has been draining like crazy. Spending HOURS researching and talking with Apple. I care across a post that said to disable True Tone display and holy!!! It works!!!! I had no ideas having it on was draining my battery like crazy.

It uses more pixels and things which is why it drains your battery. Location is always off, background app refresh off and my battery is lasting longer!!

Try it and let me know what you think.
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macrumors 6502
Dec 14, 2015
Okay, I have been driving myself crazy wondering why my phone has been draining like crazy. Spending HOURS researching and talking with Apple. I care across a post that said to disable True Tone display and holy!!! It works!!!! I had no ideas having it on was draining my battery like crazy.

It uses more pixels and things which is why it drains your battery. Location is always off, background app refresh off and my battery is lasting longer!!

Try it and let me know what you think.

Great but any idea for a 6s?

It charges really quick now but dies even quicker


macrumors 6502a
Sep 4, 2017
I'm not having any battery drain issues on my 8 Plus, but I tried switching True Tone off a few weeks ago (as a test) and I didn't notice any difference in battery life.


macrumors 65816
Sep 15, 2009
Not getting any extra battery drain with Truetone on my X, current iOS, but that may be due to different screen technology.


macrumors 6502
Dec 30, 2014
Its only been a few days since I tried disabling True Tone (but I also disabled "rise to wake") and in the past weekend, the battery drain seemed to have slowed down. I lose about 10% per day of barely uinsg the phone (I don't use the phone much, especially while at home). Before, I was losing about 20% per day of barely using the phone.

I'll see if by the end of the week if its still the same. I didn't expect this to make any difference, but it seemed like it did for now.

Edit: I do think if I always actively use my iphone 8, this probably won't make any difference. Most of the time I still use my iphone 6+ (using it as a large "ipod touch" because its not activated anymore) or ipad Mini.


macrumors P6
Oct 1, 2007
Not sure if truth to this, not really experiencing bad battery on my X with TT on a lot but

For one - It is OLED

And maybe the TT sensors for 8/8+ are different than X (i think X has more) and ‘hunting’ more often with what 8/8+ has to get a gauge of the ambient lighting? IPads have similar sensors i think since TT is more like that, but to be fair not always in different lighting as often as a mobile phone is.

Just a theory if OP’s findings aren’t just placebo/unrelated
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