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Original poster
Dec 10, 2008
New iMac is just around corner and I was thinking what new will come with it? There have been rumors about LED display, DDR3 (which have been updared for every model), quad-core (?), NIVDIA chipset and new CPUs and GPUs.

I'm tired to wait any longer so what exactly LED display means? What it'll do what this gen. iMacs' screen doesn't have? Is DDR3 much faster than DDR2, will I notice it in normal use?

I was thinking of buying 24" 2.8GHz model with 8800 and buy 4GB ram later from other store. So my question is, should I still wait? I can't afford quad-core and I don't need it and it's same thing with 4GB of DDR3. Is 4GB DDR2 better than 2GB DDR3?
New iMac is just around corner and I was thinking what new will come with it? There have been rumors about LED display, DDR3 (which have been updared for every model), quad-core (?), NIVDIA chipset and new CPUs and GPUs.

I'm tired to wait any longer so what exactly LED display means? What it'll do what this gen. iMacs' screen doesn't have? Is DDR3 much faster than DDR2, will I notice it in normal use?

I was thinking of buying 24" 2.8GHz model with 8800 and buy 4GB ram later from other store. So my question is, should I still wait? I can't afford quad-core and I don't need it and it's same thing with 4GB of DDR3. Is 4GB DDR2 better than 2GB DDR3?

As an Apple promotor I had a pleasure working with both, the white Macbook and the Alu Macbook. Same conf, only faster CPU and faster RAM and graphics, and let me tell you, the speed of DDR3 is a lot more superior to those of DDR2. I have decided to wait for a new iMac, so should you. LED means Light Emitting Diode, the colors will be more vibrant and it also uses less energy (useful for laptops).

New iMac is just around corner and I was thinking what new will come with it? There have been rumors about LED display, DDR3 (which have been updared for every model), quad-core (?), NIVDIA chipset and new CPUs and GPUs.

I'm tired to wait any longer so what exactly LED display means? What it'll do what this gen. iMacs' screen doesn't have? Is DDR3 much faster than DDR2, will I notice it in normal use?

I was thinking of buying 24" 2.8GHz model with 8800 and buy 4GB ram later from other store. So my question is, should I still wait? I can't afford quad-core and I don't need it and it's same thing with 4GB of DDR3. Is 4GB DDR2 better than 2GB DDR3?

No one here quite knows what will be in the next model, there are a lot of educated guesses, but that's all they are.

What is true is models that you can buy now will be cheaper after the new models come out. So you will likely be able to get the 3Ghz version for about the same price as the 2.8 is now. Especially if you live near an apple store.
Same conf, only faster CPU and faster RAM and graphics, and let me tell you, the speed of DDR3 is a lot more superior to those of DDR2. I have decided to wait for a new iMac, so should you.


Is it noticable in normal use eg. web browsing, MSN, iTunes, light photo editing etc.

What is true is models that you can buy now will be cheaper after the new models come out. So you will likely be able to get the 3Ghz version for about the same price as the 2.8 is now. Especially if you live near an apple store.

We don't have Apple stores here in Finland and those Premium resellers has 100€ higher prices than Apple online store. And it's not about money, just do I miss something cool if I buy now.

That shows that they are almost similar. So will 4GB DDR2 better than 2GB DDR3?
yes the 4gb ddr2 is better, seeing as you wont notice a difference in the things you want to do. the only way you sould see a difference is in the case of video editing, which you said you are not going to be doing
yes the 4gb ddr2 is better, seeing as you wont notice a difference in the things you want to do. the only way you sould see a difference is in the case of video editing, which you said you are not going to be doing

I was thinking the same. Maybe some light video editing in future but I think it'll be quite fast still.
TS, you should definitely wait with buying an iMac, there's rumours afoot that say it really won't be long now =)
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