Is there an iPad browser where when I see a PDF I can email it to myself, so to use it with iBooks? I'm stumped as how to do that. Thanks.
Is there an iPad browser where when I see a PDF I can email it to myself, so to use it with iBooks? I'm stumped as how to do that. Thanks.
To exactly answer your question, iBooks has no support for that type of file yet. Its coming in a update soon though.
You can add 'g' before your 'http' address in Safari to download pdfs to Goodreader. Then you should be able to attach it to a mail item and email it to yourself.
Once you know the URL of the PDF file (which you can copy from your browser), you can open the file directly in GoodReader by pasting the URL into the "Web Downloads" tab. You can even browse to the file using GoodReader's "Browse the Web" function. Then, if you wanted to view the file in iBooks, you could copy the file using GoodReader's "Manage Files" tab.
You can also use dropbox. Works well!
Just tried the GoodReader method with iLounge's iPad Guide weighing in at 23MB. Slow to open in iBooks but it got there.