Isn't this just because Mac has better support for OpenGL?
Seems to me the same graphs are reversed when the games are using that DirectX crap.
This allows: "iMac runs games better than Windows itself!"
and: "The new iMac still only has half the speed of a budget PC!"
to both be true. At least when it comes to gaming.
The thing that pops into my head when I hear these things however is always:
"Why do we judge computer performance based on the habits a tiny subset of computer users who's main goal is mental masturbation?"
I dont really play with my computer, but seing the potential capabilities of the Radeon HD 2600, is what am excited about. I currently have a Mac Pro, and I need a good card to work in motion, so I expect apple to offer me something soon, and if they offer something around HD2 series, I hope we get better drivers. Because the card can handle.
In fact, games reflect very well the power of the computer in terms of graphic capabilities, Quake 4 is a demanding OPEN GL app. I do some Maya working, so it will help a lot.
And gaming is important for "normal" people who have computer for media entertaiment propouse, like my 14 years old brother who will like to play SCII, and Q4, and the price range of the imac is very good.
So in fact, the future performing of the new beautiful imac is REALLY IMPORTANT TO ME AND OTHER PEOPLE HERE. (they have numerous threads about the HD2 cards and the new imac gaming performance)
So when I read this, I found it really useful!!