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macrumors 65816
Original poster
Jan 22, 2008

yeah it would be hard to balance a laptop on there. I hope you got one of those waterproof bags so we can see you in a floaty chair in the pool with a pina colada.
It was absolute paradise, an 8 day Caribean Cruise. When we walked through the ship the first day to explore everything it had to offer, we walked through a lounge area called the Garden. It was a soft lit room with windows throughout with seats and tables in front of each, it wrapped around the entire rear of the ship on the 3rd floor. All I imagined was sitting an hour a day reading. One day as I was reading I was thinking to myself...THIS is exactly what I was thinking when I bought my iPad, so I took out my Droid incredible, held it over my head and snapped a shot of the view :D Figured I'd share it ;)
yeah it would be hard to balance a laptop on there. I hope you got one of those waterproof bags so we can see you in a floaty chair in the pool with a pina colada.

Heh heh wasn't that adventurous :p
if only the iPad had a camera *shake fist at steve jobs*

Thank God the iPad doesn't have a camera. Come on, it's hard enough finding a cell phone without one. I can't use any of the Apple laptops, or upgrade my Nano because they ALL have a digital imaging device. Now people scream for cameras on touches and iPads. Hell, all the gyms in me area are for women only because of guys and camera phones.

Please let me enjoy the next few generations of iPads, cameraless. How about tethering a webcam through the dock. Then we will have Choice...
I'm sure someone will come up with a USB camera to use with the camera-connection kit that somehow clips to the top edge of the ipad.
I'm sure someone will come up with a USB camera to use with the camera-connection kit that somehow clips to the top edge of the ipad.

Too bad that someone isn't Steve. It would be nice if Apple would at least give us this option.
The Ipad is so beast

I'm writing this on my ipad. I can type anywhere with this and have fun. I have the new york times and USA today. Often I go outside and read them. The iPad is worth every penny.:cool:
I'm writing this on my ipad. I can type anywhere with this and have fun. I have the new york times and USA today. Often I go outside and read them. The iPad is worth every penny.:cool:[/QUOT

Agreed. I love this beast. It's a shame that many folks will always find something to complain about. It doesn't have this or that. It seems that most of the complainer's find their way onto this forum. I know people at work who have iPads and absolutely love them, even the anti-Apple folks. Most people on this forum (I believe) are too young to remember the day when all we had were transistor radios or early tube portables. We didn't complain that it didn't have tiny TVs built in nor did we say hey, the next model will be better. We were happy to have the latest for the time. Yes, the next version will have more features but no one knows exactly what they will be. Be happy with what you have now for you may not be around for the next version of anything.
Thank God the iPad doesn't have a camera. Come on, it's hard enough finding a cell phone without one. I can't use any of the Apple laptops, or upgrade my Nano because they ALL have a digital imaging device. Now people scream for cameras on touches and iPads. Hell, all the gyms in me area are for women only because of guys and camera phones.

Please let me enjoy the next few generations of iPads, cameraless. How about tethering a webcam through the dock. Then we will have Choice...

...really? Why don't you just wear a tinfoil hat? That way we can have built in cameras on our iPads and you can feel safe.
yeah, i want my ipad to lack features... :rolleyes:

Yea like you would really video conference on it... Sure you would. $25 web cam to your desk top or laptop, or iSight. Do you do it now ?

...really? Why don't you just wear a tinfoil hat? That way we can have built in cameras on our iPads and you can feel safe.

What the hell does a tin foil hat have to do with some corporate, manufacturing, and government facilalities not allowing any type of cameras on their premises? No mac books, iPhones, Androids, ect...
yeah, i want my ipad to lack features... :rolleyes:

Well, not everyone is in whatever situation YOU are in. Some workplaces for instance, ban devices with cameras from ever setting foot inside the door. So for some people putting a camera on a piece of technology is a problem.
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