ezekielrage_99 said:
Again the magical question comes to mind "what's the point of buying an Apple if you're just going to install Windows on it?"
You might want the look, feel, and better design of the Apple hardware.
ezekielrage_99 said:
Doesn't buying a new Mac for Windows defeat the purpose of buying a Mac in the first place?
No. Well, yes, in my (and your) opinion, but, to each his or her own.
ezekielrage_99 said:
After all if you really need Windows so badly for solitare, etc
why don't you try WINE X11 or a Windows emulator when it's released?
Well, you're just bashing Windows here.
Someone else suggested Alienware for users who might want to run a Mac with Windows on it, instead of the Mac OS (not in addition to it). I disagree with this. For some people, they want Windows, but they love the look and feel of the Mac hardware. So, for them, a Mac running Windows does what they want. Why not suggest that, as soon as they can install Windows on a Mac, they should go ahead and buy one and do it?
It sounds like a great many Apple users want to steer Windows users away from Apple hardware. I promise you that Apple doesn't want to do that. If they became like Alienware, and started selling a good number of Macs to Windows users, what would be so wrong with that? It certainly wouldn't hurt their bottom line, and I think that many of the Windows users who switch to Mac hardware would eventually make the switch to the Mac OS.
I say go for it. Get a Mac and install Windows on it, if that's what you want to do. Just wait until you can do it. If you want my opinion, the Mac OS is a better operating system, and you might just like it, so install Windows as a dual boot option, so you can use both. It won't cost you anything but a few gigs of hard disk space, and space is cheap nowadays.