bobber205 said:Those mini CD that come in the mail or mags sometimes.. don't they kill macs with slot drives?
Rokem said:the way the wii, (thats fun to say... wii) can support both is becuase its not slot loading. said:well they are slot loading vs. the system where you place the disk in aproprite place. It would be impossible engineering task, (or nearly anyway) to have both regular size and the small 80mm disk. i think its 80mm anyway.
the way the wii, (thats fun to say... wii) can support both is becuase its not slot loading.
From link above said:Media: A single self-loading media bay will play single- or double-layered 12-centimeter optical discs for Wii, as well as 8-centimeter Nintendo GameCube discs.
Nate4747 said:I'm curious to know how Nintendo is doing it for the Wii. Maybe there is an adapter of some type that helps the disc slide into place? Like a full size disc with a cutout...
There could also be some sort of miniature track inside the drive that would guide the 8mm disc into place.WildCowboy said:I've only seen speculation. Slot-loading drives work by having rollers grasping the edges of the disc to suck it in. I guess they could be spaces close enough together to grasp the smaller discs while still being on spring allowing them to expand to the full size when a regular disc is inserted. I think it's a custom Nintendo innovation...hopefully it will appear in all slot-loading drives in the near future.
Nate4747 said:]I'll definitely be getting a Wii when they come out, so I guess I'll find out then.
Ehh... I don't know about taking it apart but I'll definitely be observing the small-cd-insertion process to see how it works.WildCowboy said:Are you volunteering to take your Wii apart so that we can see for sure?
Nate4747 said:The price was announced today too, only $250!
It was on the front page at Digg, the story is from Yahoo.WildCowboy said:Do you have a link? They announced last week that it would be $250 or less...lots of people were thinking it would come in at $199, so $250 isn't exactly great news.
Nate4747 said:It was on the front page at Digg, the story is from Yahoo.
And 250 is great news!
Ah I see. I never read Digg comments because they are mostly just arguments.WildCowboy said:Ah, read the comments on Digg...the article is wrong. It's still "no more than $250" there's still hope for $199.
kevin.rivers said:It was announced that the Wii will debut under $250 in the U.S. and ¥25,000 in Japan.
The Gamecube debuted in Japan in 2001 for ¥25,000. The U.S. Price for the Gamecube was $199.99.
If history means anything, the Wii will be $199.99.
WildCowboy said:Given the shift in exchange rates since 2001, it should be more like $225.
kevin.rivers said:I know the current exchange would be $225. However they are not going to debut at $224.99. The price will be $199.99 regardless of exchange rates.
Consoles are always cheaper in the U.S. compared to rest of the world. They surely won't be equal launch prices, so it will in effect be "under $225" based on the press release, which logically leaves $199.99.