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macrumors 68000
Original poster
Feb 12, 2005
Caracas, Venezuela
I installed the latest Adobe Camera RAW update, and while the new changes are welcome, I don't like the fact that it reset my settings. I had it set to sRGB space, and it changed that. No biggie, but still bothersome.

My main problem is that those pesky .xmp files are showing up again besides every single .CR2 file. I know what they are and that they're needed, but I remember ticking a box (in either Photoshop or Lightroom) that somehow stopped them from showing beside each file but when I opened the RAW file, the settings were saved. That means they were either embedded in the CR2 file itself, or stored in a catalog somewhere on my computer. A search for .xmp files revealed only a handful, so they're probably not stored in a catalog.

Could anyone please point me in the right direction, please? Where do I change those settings?


macrumors regular
Jan 17, 2005
Spokane, WA
I think the first option in the Camera Raw Preferences dialog is what you're looking for. There are two options "Sidecar '.xmp' files" and Camera Raw Database.


macrumors 6502
Apr 3, 2009
Just keep in mind that if you store the .xmp files in a database, then you'll have to also backup the database along with your images, otherwise all of your raw file changes and adjustments will be lost in the event of a hard drive failure.

The alternative is to convert your raw files to DNGs, which have header space within the file itself to store the raw adjustments. No xmp files and no databases necessary.


macrumors regular
Oct 9, 2008
Those 'pesky' xmp files are in fact very, very useful.
When backing up edited images, only the xmp files need be copied, thus saving an awful lot of time compared to backing up an entire database like with LR or the the entire modified files.
They also mean that Br + LR can work side by side as all edits in LR can be seen in Br - which is a very powerful programme in its own right.
Plus if your LR catalogue corrupts and it will at some time, you do not lose all your edits. Or if you want to move files outside of LR.
In LR go to Preferences/catalogue settings and set auto save to XMP. I lost a bunch of edits the other day when I deleted some files from LR not realising that particular catalogue for some unknown reason wasn't saving to xmp. :eek:

Using sRGB is also a bit of a no-no as you are working with a reduced colour space compared to Adobe RGB or in the case of LR, Melissa which is the ProPhoto colour space tweaked. But if you are using RAW files, colour space is not actually relevant until you output them as JPEGs, PSD, Tiffs etc. LR/ACR does not work in sRGB, only Melissa.
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