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macrumors 68000
Original poster
May 11, 2007
Las Vegas, Nevada USA
Hello There,
I would like your opinions regarding the gloss screens that the new iMacs are coming with? Do they bother you? How do you cope with them if they do? Such as placing the iMac away from window or lights etc....
It took me a few minutes to adjust and I don't notice it any more. And it does face a lampshade... The images are very vivid and sharp with this screen - I'm happy with it.
It took me a few minutes to adjust and I don't notice it any more. And it does face a lampshade... The images are very vivid and sharp with this screen - I'm happy with it.

Great Thanks I really want to see what people say about these screens. Cool. Glad you like it. I can't wait until my iMac arrives.

Mornings and backlighting and its great, vivid colors, etc.

Afternoons with sun behind me it reflects a lot and its really not that good. I end up moving the monitor slightly to reduce the glare. I personally would have preferred a matte screen but so far loving the iMac and can live with this minor issue.

I think that this issue bothers some of us much more than others. Absolutely would drive me to distraction. Friends seem to have no problems with it.
No problems with it and I have mine near a window. When it's on you barely notice it and it makes the image much better in my opinion.
The purpose is just what it states. I must have missed that other thread so in the meantime, please answer the thread if you care to.
WizardHunt, the earlier poster was probably not talking about some existing thread, but rather the fact that iMacs have come with glossy screens for 18 months or so (rough guess; possibly longer). I have seen older threads covering this topic, but not super recently. In other words, there has been plenty of time for the iMac community to reflect on the glossy screen design (get it? :)).

Regarding the topic you raised, the 2009 iMac is the first glossy one I personally have used. I have mixed feelings. When there are no significant reflections, the image is superb. But it picks up reflections very easily. My iMac is in a corner of our large sort of open-plan first floor. At night it reflects ceiling-mounted lights a bit, and during the day it reflects a bay window which is about 20 feet away depending on how I tilt it. The iMac is sitting just below an east-facing window. The iMac never reflects the window (because the window is behind the iMac) but it does reflect me when the sunlight is coming through the window onto me.

I think I will be able to cope OK, but given a choice I would probably rather have a matte screen again (similar to the iMac G4 and G5).
A lot of people don't like them but personally I love mine. The pictures are really vivid, and it only acts as a mirror if the background is black.
Even matte screens look bad with a bright light/window shining on them, It's just worse for glossy.

Although without the light shining on the screen the glossy's look much much better than a matte option (the reason photographers don't like glossy screens is because the image looks better on screen than the final print, but this is a non issue for the general user).

just choose your location wisely and there will be no problems with the screen.
Just go to a bestBuy or somin
and see them on display there

and see if you like them
i mean its obviously different then having them at ur house
but its still helps
i love the glossy screen! Its soo bright that you can't even see any reflections. I'm impressed definitely impressed by it.
its personal i guess but i can say there have only been maybe 3 or 4 times in a year i have even noticed it was reflecting and had to move something or close a door or whatever

mostly you can only notice on a black screen before a movie or something

truth is mostly once you are actually watching or doing something your brain like screens out the glossy screen and you just dont notice

i was a little worried when i bought but i dont think about it anymore
I really am loving it, personally. It's bright, vivid, and I hardly ever have had to deal with a reflection issue. I'm quite pleased with it. :)
I hate it, to say the least! Just unbearable.

With any dark background it becomes an expensive mirror. Not so with matte. For *years* people have been looking for any way to avoid reflections, and now glossy screens are so cool...unbelievable. What I don't like is that Apple now doesn't even let you choose, it's either glossy or glossy. I think they're just cheaper to make, in fact when people still could choose the matte version was more expensive.
Wow , There are opinions both ways. This is very interesting indeed. Keep your comments coming. I would like to hear more. Personally when I seen one in Best Buy, I always thought the color was very deep and vivid, and that that the reflection is not that bad. However I don't have mine yet and will find out for myself in a few weeks whenever Apple decides to send my backordered iMac.
What I don't like is that Apple now doesn't even let you choose, it's either glossy or glossy. I think they're just cheaper to make, in fact when people still could choose the matte version was more expensive.

yeah its tru there are plenty of people who would pay for a matte imac i almost expected apple to have a extra$$ matte option like they did/do? with black color laptops or whatever it was

i think you have to think about what you mostly use your screen for ie pro photography or something.... and where you mostly use your screen ie position and lighting and stuff obviously some places are better than other

i have to say again tho i am usually pretty picky with tech stuff and the gloss is mostly ok for me....if there was a matte option imac next year and i had to choose well sure i would think about it but i would prooooooobably go glossy again because im simple and think bright is good :p and coz its easy to clean too....i always used to worry about melting my mattes when cleaning :eek:

PS congratulations to OP on new imac!!!i want another one too now
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