Thought would leave my pencil attached to my pro overnight and over 11 hours my iPad dropped from 100% to 75%. Thinking it might be pencil related. You tend to only have pencil attached when you’re using iPad or at all times?
Surprising as I thought it would behave as the Airpods/Case do - in that charging stops as soon as the Airpods reach 100%?Thought would leave my pencil attached to my pro overnight and over 11 hours my iPad dropped from 100% to 75%. Thinking it might be pencil related. You tend to only have pencil attached when you’re using iPad or at all times?
Thought would leave my pencil attached to my pro overnight and over 11 hours my iPad dropped from 100% to 75%. Thinking it might be pencil related. You tend to only have pencil attached when you’re using iPad or at all times?
I have a pouch of dongles for this thing, and a microfiber wipe. When I’m not using the pencil and don’t want it attached, I put it in with those things. That way, if it gets knocked off the iPad in my bag, it’s not loose getting tangled with other stuff.Yes i keep it attached otherwise i would lose the pencil.
When I am traveling tho, I am curious how well the pencil will stay on when in a backpack? These are all tests I plan to do. At least there is no more small pen cap that can easily be lost. I think it should be fine. Although this is a pencil I definitely don’t want to lose!
I bought a sleeve to put the iPad / SmartFolio / Pencil into, that way in my backpack it's not getting bumped/jostled around too much. The Pencil pops off fairly easily if it's loose in a bag.
I got this sleeve (waiting for me at home tonight)
Yes it can. Fairly sure it was mentioned in the keynoteThe one thing I'm not sure of is if the iPad Pro can turn off charging through that inductive area when the Pencil is full. In other words, can it use the same kind of intelligent algorithms other Apple charging systems use to keep from prematurely aging the battery through excessive charging, etc.