Something that works
Hey all, I too experienced this extremely retarded problem, but its all good for my SL and mouse AND dock now. This only applies to those with Windows and Bootcamp.
Earlier today, the whole freeze thing (for the dock) and right-click problems swamped both OSes. What I did was to log into Windows, (while facing the problems) and reinstalling the logitech software for my bluetooth mouse again followed by a restart which brought my mouse back to normal. And best of all, after I logged back to OSX, the freeze problems disappeared, as if it didn't happened in the first place
What I am using.
Snow Leopard Upgrade CD
Logitech VX470 Bluetooth Wireless Mouse
What I did. (Chronologically)
1. Under OSX, I installed the Logitech Control Centre Installer (for Snow Leopard), which can be found
2. Installed the LCC app, but problem still persisted
3. Bootcamp-ed to XP, realized the loss of right-click problem.
4. Re-installed the Logitech Media Centre for Windows (can be found
Choose your logitech mouse model
(32-bit for me) and restart comp
Disconnected my bluetooth mouse and re-paired it again
After restart, everything was smooth for XP
5. Logged back to OSX.
Problem Solved.
(for me that is...)
I don't know if I got lucky but that was everything I did, somehow things worked and I'm sharing this to you all. For those who just use OSX, all the best/ happy waiting.