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macrumors member
Original poster
Jul 26, 2008
I understand it's more than likely we'll be getting a new iMac soon.
Personally, I've always thought it'd just be an update to it's insides, but I've read on some sites that it's believed there *could* be a chassis update.

After seeing an iLife 'how to' video, or what ever they're called:p, I stiiilll seem to think there'll be no update to the way the iMac looks.
See, on the video, the guy was using an iMac. It was just a normal, current gen iMac.

I understand this is rather loose evidence, but would Apple really choose a product that is *about* to change, to use on a video, when after the launch of the new one, they'd have to re do the video?

I don't know, I could be wrong.

WHAT chassis update rumor? They JUST redid it. This will be the look for another year or so.

And no, they wouldn't have to "redo" the video just because a computer got updated. There are MANY "current line" inconsistencies on the Apple site.
Jesus Christ, I'll find you a link.

There's been a couple of mentions about it.

Here's one

That says Core i7 in the iMac.

The iMac uses laptop chips because of the heat associated with power draw.

That would have to be liquid nitrogen in that new cooling system to get the heat down to laptop chip levels.

There will be no Nehalem laptop chips until Q4 2009.
That's irrelevant.

Besides, I'm stating that I *do not* believe it. There's no need to try and prove me wrong.
You know, every other forum I'm a member of, partake in discussion.
Topics are brought up, and they discuss it. That's the whole flamin' point of a forum.

Macrumors just seems to be bleedin' useless.
You know, every other forum I'm a member of, partake in discussion.
Topics are brought up, and they discuss it. That's the whole flamin' point of a forum.

Macrumors just seems to be bleedin' useless.

Discussion is welcome, wild random baseless rumour is not.

Intelligent discussion > random ********ting :)
You won't see a change to the chassis. Perhaps a slight reduction in thickness as was with the white iMac, but I doubt it, this thing is thinner than a normal monitor in many cases.

As for ports, expect Mini DVI to be replaced by Mini DisplayPort, and Firewire 400 to disappear. I think 1 Firewire 800 on the 20", and two on the 24", of course by the time they are released Firewire 3200 could be out.

One of the longer rumours is for the chin to be removed, bringing it to look like the new Cinema Display, although thats unlikely to happen without making it thicker.

Another rumour is for it to have an aluminium back like the new Cinema Display, but I think its plastic to aid better wifi reception.
The current chassis still has quite a bit of life left in it. Not to mention your rumors pre-date the keynote and have been shot down.
I'm just going to go through my post.

"Personally, I've always thought it'd just be an update to it's insides, but I've read on some sites that it's believed there *could* be a chassis update. - (Here, I wasn't saying I believe there will be a chassis update. I just said that I've seen it mentioned.)

After seeing an iLife 'how to' video, or what ever they're called:p, I stiiilll seem to think there'll be no update to the way the iMac looks.
See, on the video, the guy was using an iMac. It was just a normal, current gen iMac.

I understand this is rather loose evidence, but would Apple really choose a product that is *about* to change, to use on a video, when after the launch of the new one, they'd have to re do the video? - Question.

I don't know, I could be wrong. - (About there NOT being a chassis update.)


So to conclude.
I agree. I doubt there will be a chassis update. I was asking for thoughts on the validity of my presumption....about the 'how to' video, of course.
A chipset change, with new GPUs. Going for the Nvidia laptop chipset.

Unlikely to be much more than a typical rev B enclosure change. aka, not a huge change maybe a new back panel to accommodate a port change if they switch to MiniPorts and delete FW400.

A drive and RAM bay like the Unibody would be nice but unlikely, and so would the switch to the desktop socket and RAM. But would be nice usually doesn't happen.
I can see Apple finding anyway they can to make it thinner. That tends to be their focus on anything.
I also can't see the chin going. For one, (and I'm not all clued up on what the chin's actually for) I read that it was necessary. Two, I think it looks nice, and gives the iMac that unique look about it. It's a square, with a wide screen. I love it:p
I can see Apple finding anyway they can to make it thinner. That tends to be their focus on anything.
I also can't see the chin going. For one, (and I'm not all clued up on what the chin's actually for) I read that it was necessary. Two, I think it looks nice, and gives the iMac that unique look about it. It's a square, with a wide screen. I love it:p
Power supply and speakers. Mostly power supply.
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