Netbook killer is a moniker; a misnomer in reality. The iPad is NOT meant to be a netbook killer! . I have one of the best netbooks on the market (no Alienware M11X, but I digress), an iMac, an iPhone 3G S, multiple iPods, and a powerful PC, yet I still find a spot for the iPad where I can totally utilize it's capabilities.
Who cares if the iPad can't print natively? Really, how often would you use that? I print quite a lot for school and don't ever find myself desiring to print off of my iPhone, or even netbook (due to me having to download drivers or buy a CD drive just to get it working wirelessly), and we all know that there are going to be apps (probably day one releases, if they aren't out already) that will allow printing.
You are right about the iPad keyboard dock, though. I'll be getting the $29 dock and using my bluetooth keyboard when I desire to type quite a bit (if I'm not adept with the soft keyboard by that time), and that will give a lot more flexibility with placing and how comfortable it is.