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macrumors regular
Original poster
Jul 4, 2018
I finally decided to use my Apple Music 3-month trial. I already use iTunes to play my ripped CDs and I wanted a clean start. So I deleted the iTunes folder in Music, AppData and ProgramData. My music is saved on an external hard drive so I will keep them there while I try Apple Music. I figured mixing my local files with Apple Music protected files would give me problems.

First day using Apple Music. After creating a fresh iTunes Library, I logged my iCloud account and activated Apple Music. That was not an Apple "easy to use" experience. Lots of logging ins and lots of windows popping up. Lots of clunky UIs too.

Chose a favorite artist to start adding albums to my new library and download the files. It wouldn't work. Restarted iTunes. Still nothing. Restarted Windows. Still nothing. Did I mention it's the latest version of iTunes? After trying and trying to download a damn album I picked up my iPhone. Deleted all local songs and opened the Music app. Tried to download an album. After asking to agree with their terms it finally let me download an album. After that I was able to download albums on iTunes. Wow. An amazing Apple "easy to use" experience so far. Why wouldn't it let me download songs straight from iTunes at first?

Anyway, started to download the albums. But I'm already missing music. Why is Björk's Vulnicura album unavailable on Apple Music? Day one and I already have to rely on my old library. It's nice being able to easily add any song I want on my iPhone without iTunes though.

Expos of 1969

Aug 25, 2013
Hello.....While I feel that Apple Music has its faults, I can find and download Vulnicua with my account. I am in Finland.


macrumors regular
Apr 30, 2013
Worst case, you can re-add any missing albums to your iTunes and it will sync to your other Apple devices which are logged into your Apple Music account. This way you get the best of both worlds - Access to your personal music files and the convenience of downloading music on the go.
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