I'm looking at the Apple Keynotes Podcast page from Apple on iTunes and I'm seeing a trend I'd love Apple to continue for this year:
January 08 and 09: Keynote
March 08 and 09: "Sneak Peek" Event
June 08 and 09: WWDC Keynote Address
September 08 and 09: Music Keynote Event
October 08: Apple Special Event
October 2009: Apple Special Event for AppleTV Take 3???
Given the recent Snow Leopard update, as well as new iTunes 9 content announced Wednesday (iTunes LP/Extra and new GUI, to name a few), can we expect Apple to seize the opportunity to announce a new AppleTV next month? One thing to consider if such an event took place: since computers were updated as recently as June (MacBook updates) and the iPhone/iPods have their 2009 updates already, wouldn't it logically feature Apple's "other" product (perhaps even premiered with the famed Tablet)? Seems to be the right time, given the mass availability of new features that people are going to want to take full advantage of (i.e. on large TVs).
Hopefully I'm not just being optimistic, as I really want an AppleTV and am very tempted to go out and buy one right now. Looking for opinions on the matter.
January 08 and 09: Keynote
March 08 and 09: "Sneak Peek" Event
June 08 and 09: WWDC Keynote Address
September 08 and 09: Music Keynote Event
October 08: Apple Special Event
October 2009: Apple Special Event for AppleTV Take 3???
Given the recent Snow Leopard update, as well as new iTunes 9 content announced Wednesday (iTunes LP/Extra and new GUI, to name a few), can we expect Apple to seize the opportunity to announce a new AppleTV next month? One thing to consider if such an event took place: since computers were updated as recently as June (MacBook updates) and the iPhone/iPods have their 2009 updates already, wouldn't it logically feature Apple's "other" product (perhaps even premiered with the famed Tablet)? Seems to be the right time, given the mass availability of new features that people are going to want to take full advantage of (i.e. on large TVs).
Hopefully I'm not just being optimistic, as I really want an AppleTV and am very tempted to go out and buy one right now. Looking for opinions on the matter.