Hi I ordered a new 3.3 6 Core Mac Pro to replace my 2006 1.1 Mac Pro. I specified it with the Apple 512GB SSD & a 2TB HD.
I intend to boot from the SSD and include my applications on this drive, and from what I can gather I will store my user folder and work files on the 2TB HD.
I can't seam to find any detail information on how to assign the user folder on the 2TB HD in Apple Help, however I'm sure most iMac owners with both SSD and HD's have this option? Is it something you specify on installation or is it something you configure later?
Appreciate your thoughts or advice, and thanks in advance for any information.
I intend to boot from the SSD and include my applications on this drive, and from what I can gather I will store my user folder and work files on the 2TB HD.
I can't seam to find any detail information on how to assign the user folder on the 2TB HD in Apple Help, however I'm sure most iMac owners with both SSD and HD's have this option? Is it something you specify on installation or is it something you configure later?
Appreciate your thoughts or advice, and thanks in advance for any information.