I was wondering everyone's opinion of the abundance of pre-made/template based design services such as templatemonster and how it impacts the design industry.
While most designers understand the value of proper branding and identity design, this is sometimes hard to convince a potential client. Does the availability of cheap, relatively decent quality pre-made designs pose a significant threat to the design industry, specifically smaller firms and those who freelance?
A question to those who have been in the field of design for a significant length of time, has devaluation always been a concern or has it become more of a threat with the evolution of the internet and the availability of "pro" design apps?
While most designers understand the value of proper branding and identity design, this is sometimes hard to convince a potential client. Does the availability of cheap, relatively decent quality pre-made designs pose a significant threat to the design industry, specifically smaller firms and those who freelance?
A question to those who have been in the field of design for a significant length of time, has devaluation always been a concern or has it become more of a threat with the evolution of the internet and the availability of "pro" design apps?