I think OS X Mountain Lion needs a further revision than the current provided one. Something that will make the OS more simple. Apps need to focus on what their names implies solely.
Store (or iStore)
* This will replace*Mac App Store and iTunes Store and manage everything you buy through your Mac for Apple products.
* It will contain the following categories: Music, Films, Shows, Audiobooks, Podcasts, Books, Apps and Updates.
* When you buy content it will move the bought material to it's rightfully program; music, audiobooks and podcast goes to iTunes, films and shows go to iMovie now, books go to iBooks, (Mac) Apps goes to Finder and Launchpad, and (iPod, iPhone and iPad) Apps and books stays within the Store.
* There will within every category be a "Bought" section to show what you have gotten through the Store. This is how you know what your iOS device will get when connected.
Device Handler
Instead of managing your iOS device through iTunes, whenever you connect your device an app specifically for device management will appear where you will be able to manage everything about the device.*The icon varies depending on the device, just like in iTunes.
iPhoto: for viewing, managing and editing photos
iMovie: for viewing, managing and editing videos (in the dock by standard now)
iTunes: for playing, managing and (minor) editing. Remove Store and Ping, and integrate Twitter, Facebook instead, so people find it more appealing to use iTunes (like with Spotify). "X just bought Y song", "X listened to U song", "X shared a preview of Y so". This will compete against Spotify and make make music socially engaging (=more song buys through iTunes).
GarageBand: music creation and editing
iTunes will stay the same for PC except for renaming "iTunes store" to either "iStore" or "Store".
Application for communication
Make an application that has FaceTime, Messages and call function, and make it support all operating softwares: OS X, iOS, Windows and Android. They should compete against Skype which basically already offers this but it can be done much better. This app will have a list of friends and clicking on a name will give the following options: message, talk or video. Nobody only has friends with Apple devices making FaceTime and Messages less appealing.
Store (or iStore)
* This will replace*Mac App Store and iTunes Store and manage everything you buy through your Mac for Apple products.
* It will contain the following categories: Music, Films, Shows, Audiobooks, Podcasts, Books, Apps and Updates.
* When you buy content it will move the bought material to it's rightfully program; music, audiobooks and podcast goes to iTunes, films and shows go to iMovie now, books go to iBooks, (Mac) Apps goes to Finder and Launchpad, and (iPod, iPhone and iPad) Apps and books stays within the Store.
* There will within every category be a "Bought" section to show what you have gotten through the Store. This is how you know what your iOS device will get when connected.
Device Handler
Instead of managing your iOS device through iTunes, whenever you connect your device an app specifically for device management will appear where you will be able to manage everything about the device.*The icon varies depending on the device, just like in iTunes.
iPhoto: for viewing, managing and editing photos
iMovie: for viewing, managing and editing videos (in the dock by standard now)
iTunes: for playing, managing and (minor) editing. Remove Store and Ping, and integrate Twitter, Facebook instead, so people find it more appealing to use iTunes (like with Spotify). "X just bought Y song", "X listened to U song", "X shared a preview of Y so". This will compete against Spotify and make make music socially engaging (=more song buys through iTunes).
GarageBand: music creation and editing
iTunes will stay the same for PC except for renaming "iTunes store" to either "iStore" or "Store".
Application for communication
Make an application that has FaceTime, Messages and call function, and make it support all operating softwares: OS X, iOS, Windows and Android. They should compete against Skype which basically already offers this but it can be done much better. This app will have a list of friends and clicking on a name will give the following options: message, talk or video. Nobody only has friends with Apple devices making FaceTime and Messages less appealing.