Hey all! I have an external drive that I'm putting photos on. The drive is formatted as exFAT to use on both mac and PC. After organizing them on my mac, I was using the drive on my PC and noticed that "Properties" (the windows equivalent of "get info" in Finder, basically) was showing usually double the amount of files actually in the folder! So I ticked the "show hidden items" button in Windows and bam, there's a bunch of files with identical names to each of my photos, but hidden, starting with a period, and 4KB each - no more, no less. I included a picture below of how they appear in File Explorer on windows. I *cannot* see these files in the Finder on macOS, even by enabling hidden files, but I can see them on windows. I assume they're thumbnails or something like that - is this something that macOS does? Pictures below, any help appreciated.