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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Mar 24, 2004
When I tried renaming a few pictures, the thumbnails changed and wont show the picture anymore. Instead, the thumbnail now is a black square, with the word EXEC in the top left corner written in green. When I open the file, it still opens fine in preview, but the thumbnail doesn't work. I tried changing the files to jpegs and bmps, but that wont work either. And then some others are just blank white icons, but they still open fine in Preview as well. Any help is appreciated, thanks!!!


Moderator emeritus
Jan 9, 2004
Grand Rapids, MI, USA
When you double click the files, do they still open in Preview? Try right clicking the files, choosing open with other application, navigate to preview in the dialog, and make sure the "always open with" box is checked before you click okay. This should trigger a change of the icon type back to jpg which should in turn turn the previews back on. Dunno why your computer suddenly thought thinking they were binaries (you see files with that icon type inside the package contents of applications).
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