Hey guys, I want to downsize from my iMac to a MBAir. However, with Thunderbolt just released, I can only imagine that this is going to make it's way to the MBAir in the next revision.
Due to the limited size within the MBAir, is Thunderbolt a possibile addition? I would buy one tomorrow if I knew that that wasn't coming until a few revisions down the road. But the consumerwhomusthavethelatesttecheventhoughhemightnotuseit in me screams to wait for Thunderbolt.
Due to the limited size within the MBAir, is Thunderbolt a possibile addition? I would buy one tomorrow if I knew that that wasn't coming until a few revisions down the road. But the consumerwhomusthavethelatesttecheventhoughhemightnotuseit in me screams to wait for Thunderbolt.