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macrumors 68020
Original poster
Oct 21, 2015
Kiel, Germany
Booted up my TiBook 1.0 today after a longer pause of not beeing used and I noticed, that the fans don't ever stop to work.
And even worse: "G4FanControl" and "HardwareMonitor" don't display any temperature-sensors at all.
Then I found a note on the website of the developer of "HardwareMonitor", that Apple started to make temperature-sensors accessible by software for the first time in 2002, whilest devices before that time had an inbuild hardware-controlled temperature-management.
Since the TiBook is from late 2002 I wonder if it just doesn't have those sensors too, or if something is broken!?
When I got the device it was in a bad shape and definitively needed spring-clean. A lot of ashes-like dust sticked to the case close the fans ... looked like a fire from collected dust put out with Cappuccino.
I still have to mention: same thing wether with os9, Tiger or Leopard. All systems installed from the scratch on separate partition on an mSATA/converter-combo and fully updated.
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The only sensor on the TiBook that is readable is the hard drive temp sensor. iStat Menus will pick that up. All you can do is extrapolate from there.

I can say though that if the fans are constantly on then the TiBook is hitting about 140º (Fahrenheit) consistantly because that is the temp they are set to trigger on. I would suspect either you have an overtemp problem or whatever sensor detects this has failed.
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The only sensor on the TiBook that is readable is the hard drive temp sensor. iStat Menus will pick that up. All you can do is extrapolate from there.

I can say though that if the fans are constantly on then the TiBook is hitting about 140º (Fahrenheit) consistantly because that is the temp they are set to trigger on. I would suspect either you have an overtemp problem or whatever sensor detects this has failed.

Ah, many thanks! (Hoped about your response - I've read your old posting about your 17" PB having trouble with an OS-Clone coming from your TiBook and your observation of the 140°F / =60°C threshold)
Maybe the mSATA/Converter-Combo is causing the problem!? Did encounter the same on my 12"PB-G4 after swapping the spinning-drive with an mSATA. On the 12"PB threshold for the drive was originally set to something like 40-50°C and the mSATA runs at about 60-65°C.
Unfortunately G4FanControl doesn't get hands onto that. Do you know about any other ways to make changes to that specific drive's temp sensor?
Ah, many thanks! (Hoped about your response - I've read your old posting about your 17" PB having trouble with an OS-Clone coming from your TiBook and your observation of the 140°F / =60°C threshold)
Maybe the mSATA/Converter-Combo is causing the problem!? Did encounter the same on my 12"PB-G4 after swapping the spinning-drive with an mSATA. On the 12"PB threshold for the drive was originally set to something like 40-50°C and the mSATA runs at about 60-65°C.
Unfortunately G4FanControl doesn't get hands onto that. Do you know about any other ways to make changes to that specific drive's temp sensor?
You're starting to run into unfamiliar territory for me. Beyond what I initially stated I can't really help. I don't know enough about the hardware.
You're starting to run into unfamiliar territory for me. Beyond what I initially stated I can't really help. I don't know enough about the hardware.
Same for me.
Searched a bit more about the fan-thing. Found some more postings.
Two fans, one for the CPU, one for the charging stuff. Things to sort out: heavy battery loading? havy CPU-usage?
- ShadowKiller;
- Onyx (no Dashboard no Spotlight, no animations);
- no browsers;
- a cooling brick from the frigde placed beneath the TiBook
the fans finally switched off.
Turns out, reopening WebKit with heavy CPU usage is followed by booting up the CPU-fan (the one in the middle of the unit just below the "PowerBook G4" label).
Well, even if there's no solution to monitor or interact with the fans or any sensors, it's somehow satisfying to clarify how things come to be how they are.
I would try new thermal paste on the CPU if you haven't already done so.
No, I haven't yet - good point and I might gonna do that later (also to review again, what's still messed up inside) but that's gonna have to wait until the big fatigue of long winter and hey fever is over ...
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No, I haven't yet - good point and I might gonna do that later (also to review again, what's still messed up inside) but that's gonna have to wait until the big fatigue of long winter and hey fever is over ...

You made me remember when I owned that machine. The 1ghz Tibook was the only one that came with two fans, and yes they were ALWAYS on when I owned it, too. I did the ice brick underneath it, as well. It probably is the thermal paste, I can't remember if there was a fix when those things were relatively new. I do somehow recall that the battery might have had something to do with it, too.
My TiBook 867 was constantly running its fans until I replaced the thermal paste. Now the fans only come on under a medium-ish load. It must run hotter than the later AlBooks.
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