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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Sep 9, 2021
Hi all,

I've been around in these circles for over 10 years, but I'm starting to get back into the online forum circles. Just thought this would be a good share!

// Example 1

let formatter = PersonNameComponentsFormatter() = .long

let components = formatter.personNameComponents(from: "Mac Rumors")
print(components!.givenName!) // Mac
print(components!.familyName!) // Rumors

// Example 2

var formatter = PersonNameComponents()
formatter.familyName = "Rumors"
formatter.givenName = "Mac"
print(formatter) // "firstname: Mac familyname: Rumors"

When you work with any major apps, you often need to deal with customer's names. It's not safe to assume that every user follows the western First/Last conventions. For example, I'm Australian but I live in Japan, and we format names Last/First.

Sometimes attention not being paid to this can lead to problems. I discovered this, and I thought I'd share.
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