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Original poster
Apr 12, 2001

Web developer Joe Hewitt and team posted an alpha version of Tilt -- an rudimentary iPhone game that takes advantage of the iPhone position sensor.

The is simple, but does provide an example of how to detect the iPhone's position. Andrew Mager describes the game:

This was my favorite game presented at the hack-a-thon. Javascript afficianado Joe Hewitt, along with help from Nicole Lazzaro, Colin Toomey, Kent Bye, and Felipe Ortiz, built a game that claims to be 1.5 dimentional. Flip, who likes to eat falling leaves and butterflies, will only catch his dinner if you rotate your iPhone in time for him to be under the falling food. You can try it on your desktop or laptop browser, but good luck trying to rotate your screen.

Article Link
Maybe we'll eventually see some games like Labyrinth where you actually tilt the phone in different directions to get it through the maze to the finish! Now that would be cool :)
What would be really great is if we could actually get access to the accelerometer data. I got all excited when I saw this, thinking you'd be able to do a lot of really sweet games now with this. Turns out his code is relying not on the accelerometer, but merely on the change in size of the browser window when Safari recognizes a shift.

However, I don't expect Apple to allow this to go completely unexploited, since you really could do a lot of great games with the accelerometer (especially now that we know it recognizes at least 4 inputs (i.e. some apps recognize the phone in all 4 obvious orientations of the device).
i love the accelerometer games that have come out for powerbooks/macbooks... it'd be GREAT to see some of them for the iphone!
Tilt Has a Home Page!

Tilt Has a Home Page!

Since the iPhone Dev Camp Hack-A-Thon we have created a page for Tilt: a game in 1.5 dimensions. It contains the latest information, source code, and updates for Tilt the first motion controlled iPhone game. To play Tilt rotate your iPhone to help Flip eat falling butterflies and leaves of matching color.

Here’s the main link page for the Tilt iPhone game:
Here’s the link to play from your iPhone:
Here’s the story of how we made Tilt in a weekend:

Have Fun!

Nicole Lazzaro
President XEODesign, Inc.
Bubblegym or neverball next perhaps?

If we were actually able to access the accelerometer, you might see some cool things like this. As it is, this app just relies on the fact that Safari is aware of the accelerometer switching page width, so nothing too complex can be done yet. Hopefully Apple will open up access to the accelerometer data for web developers, so we can really get some cool apps going.
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