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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Oct 6, 2011
Need idea to convert the below php code to iOS

function intersection($s1, $e1, $s2, $e2)
        if ($e1 < $s2)
                return 0;
        if ($s1 > $e2)
                return 0;
        if ($s1 < $s2)
                $s1 = $s2;
        if ($e1 > $e2)
                $e1 = $e2;
        return $e1 - $s1;

        $start = strtotime("18:30");
       // $end = strtotime("24:00");
         $end = strtotime("05:30") + 3600*24; // the work ended at 05:30 morning of the next day

        $morning_start = strtotime("07:00");
        $morning_end = strtotime("15:00");

        $afternoon_start = strtotime("15:00");
        $afternoon_end = strtotime("20:00");

        $night_start = strtotime("20:00");
        $night_end = strtotime("07:00") + 3600*24; // 07:00 of next day, add 3600*24 seconds

        echo "morning: " . intersection( $start, $end, $morning_start, $morning_end ) / 3600 . " hours\n";
       echo "afternoon: " . intersection( $start, $end, $afternoon_start, $afternoon_end ) / 3600 . " hours\n";
        echo "night: " . intersection( $start, $end, $night_start, $night_end ) / 3600 . " hours\n";

Run this php code u will understand it will explain you more
Just a shift calculation.
Any idea pls share with me...:(
Last edited by a moderator:
Cocoa touch has a great support for time and date calculations.

Do a search in Xcode on "Calendrical Calculations". You want to create an NSCalendar object, and use it, along with NSDate and NSDateComponent objects to do whatever calculations you need.

You might also need NSDateFormatter objects if you need to date strings to dates or visa versa.

I don't know PHP very well and I'm tired so I did not get the sense of the code you posted. Plus I'm not going to do you work for you, but rather point you in the direction you need so you can solve your problem for yourself.)

Need idea to convert the below php code to iOS

function intersection($s1, $e1, $s2, $e2)
        if ($e1 < $s2)
                return 0;
        if ($s1 > $e2)
                return 0;
        if ($s1 < $s2)
                $s1 = $s2;
        if ($e1 > $e2)
                $e1 = $e2;
        return $e1 - $s1;

        $start = strtotime("18:30");
       // $end = strtotime("24:00");
         $end = strtotime("05:30") + 3600*24; // the work ended at 05:30 morning of the next day

        $morning_start = strtotime("07:00");
        $morning_end = strtotime("15:00");

        $afternoon_start = strtotime("15:00");
        $afternoon_end = strtotime("20:00");

        $night_start = strtotime("20:00");
        $night_end = strtotime("07:00") + 3600*24; // 07:00 of next day, add 3600*24 seconds

        echo "morning: " . intersection( $start, $end, $morning_start, $morning_end ) / 3600 . " hours\n";
       echo "afternoon: " . intersection( $start, $end, $afternoon_start, $afternoon_end ) / 3600 . " hours\n";
        echo "night: " . intersection( $start, $end, $night_start, $night_end ) / 3600 . " hours\n";

Run this php code u will understand it will explain you more
Just a shift calculation.
Any idea pls share with me...:(
Last edited by a moderator:
Thanks for the post Duncan! Just a small calculation module.

Thanks for the post Duncan! Just a small calculation module.
I just need an idea regular shift and extra time shift
If person works for extra time shift then he will get bonus additionally.this is the concept
So if the person fixing the extra time work from 10pm to 2am. then if he works from 8pm to 1am how to calculate regular time shift(2hrs) and extra time shift(3hrs). This is the calculation idea i need...

Cocoa touch has a great support for time and date calculations.

Do a search in Xcode on "Calendrical Calculations". You want to create an NSCalendar object, and use it, along with NSDate and NSDateComponent objects to do whatever calculations you need.

You might also need NSDateFormatter objects if you need to date strings to dates or visa versa.

I don't know PHP very well and I'm tired so I did not get the sense of the code you posted. Plus I'm not going to do you work for you, but rather point you in the direction you need so you can solve your problem for yourself.)
Last edited:
Thanks for the post Duncan! Just a small calculation module.
I just need an idea regular shift and extra time shift
If person works for extra time shift then he will get bonus additionally.this is the concept
So if the person fixing the extra time work from 10pm to 2am. then if he works from 8pm to 1am how to calculate regular time shift(2hrs) and extra time shift(3hrs). This is the calculation idea i need...

Your post is still really vague and incomplete.

In your example, you listed one 4 hour shift and one 5 hour shift, and then say that should be counted as 2 regular hours and 3 overtime hours, which does not make sense.

You need to define the problem in words first before you can implement it in code.

From your second post I gather that you are talking about work shifts, and are trying to calculate how many hours are to be paid at normal time and how many hours should be paid at overtime.

What are the rules that decide when hours count as overtime?

This varies from country to country and even from employer to employer.

Are overtime hours determined by the total number of hours worked in a shift? Total number of hours worked in a a week? Are all hours worked during certain times defined as overtime hours? (for example you might count all hours worked between 12:00

State the rules for overtime clearly. Once you've done that we can help your figure out how to come up with code that implements those overtime rules.

Also, how is your data provided? Do you get starting and ending times for each shift? What about breaks during the shift? Are they counted as work hours, or should they be subtracted from the total length of the shift? Will the data be in a file, or will the user use pickers to select that start and end times for each shift? Are you tracking multiple employees with a single program, or just one employee?

Sorry for vague and incomplete of my above post
Hope you understand
This is for one employee
Multiple data will be provided while calculation

suppose i fix the extra time are as follows
Regular 8am -6pm and obviously my night shift will be - 6pm to nextday8am

if person works from 4pm and works till 2am next day.
I just want to calculate the regular shift working hours and night shift working hours in xcode ObjectiveC

can you help me on this....


Your post is still really vague and incomplete.

In your example, you listed one 4 hour shift and one 5 hour shift, and then say that should be counted as 2 regular hours and 3 overtime hours, which does not make sense.

You need to define the problem in words first before you can implement it in code.

From your second post I gather that you are talking about work shifts, and are trying to calculate how many hours are to be paid at normal time and how many hours should be paid at overtime.

What are the rules that decide when hours count as overtime?

This varies from country to country and even from employer to employer.

Are overtime hours determined by the total number of hours worked in a shift? Total number of hours worked in a a week? Are all hours worked during certain times defined as overtime hours? (for example you might count all hours worked between 12:00

State the rules for overtime clearly. Once you've done that we can help your figure out how to come up with code that implements those overtime rules.

Also, how is your data provided? Do you get starting and ending times for each shift? What about breaks during the shift? Are they counted as work hours, or should they be subtracted from the total length of the shift? Will the data be in a file, or will the user use pickers to select that start and end times for each shift? Are you tracking multiple employees with a single program, or just one employee?
You can't describe the problem clearly after asking you repeatedly, so no, I can't. Trying to help somebody like you is maddening. I give up.

Sorry for vague and incomplete of my above post
Hope you understand
This is for one employee
Multiple data will be provided while calculation

suppose i fix the extra time are as follows
Regular 8am -6pm and obviously my night shift will be - 6pm to nextday8am

if person works from 4pm and works till 2am next day.
I just want to calculate the regular shift working hours and night shift working hours in xcode ObjectiveC

can you help me on this....

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