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macrumors 68020
Original poster
Nov 23, 2007
Well I just took some pictures of some small birds in the flower pot (don't know how they got there) and when my mom saw some of the pics she say it like sort of links together.

So here is my question.
I understand that TimeLapse is a series of pictures chain up together into a short video clip. What I need to know is:

Can I make my own TimeLapse using any DSLR (burst mode?)?

So far the camera that I know that have a TimeLapse feature is the D60, but I wonder if other camera lets say the 1000D is able to do the same thing.

P.S: I can post some pics of the baby birds I took, just tell if you all want me to post ;)


macrumors 68000
Dec 1, 2005
It's always good to post what solutions you found to any problems you post, so anyone searching this topic can be helped out. ;)


macrumors newbie
Oct 30, 2008
i thought time lapse photography was when you leave the shutter open for a long period of time. Like to capture the path of stars at night or something.
what would that be called?


macrumors 68000
Dec 1, 2005
i thought time lapse photography was when you leave the shutter open for a long period of time. Like to capture the path of stars at night or something.
what would that be called?

A long exposure. A time-lapse video is a video taken at a much slower than normal frame-rate. Instead of 30fps, it might be recorded at 10fps, 1fps, or maybe one frame a minute or even much longer. The video then plays back an event that normally takes a very long time to occur but now can be viewed in a shorter time.


macrumors 68020
Original poster
Nov 23, 2007
okay, give me time to gather more materials and I will post what I learn :D.

Emo time, flunked my Calc 2 finals :(


macrumors G5
Jan 5, 2006
Redondo Beach, California
Almost every camera company makes what they call and intervalometer that can control a camera Nikon has one

"Time lapse" means that the camera takes exposures at a fixed interval over a long period of time, posably thousands of exposures. They are then played back at a standard movie or video rate and then you can see things that otherwise move to slow to see. On example is the hour hand on a clock or the sun moving across the sky or a seedling growing into a larger plant. Or even the seasons outdoors changing.

Another related thing is "stop motion" photography. One very good example of this is the film

Read up on technique here. It's fun and easy and any SLR can produce professional level results


macrumors 68020
Original poster
Nov 23, 2007
Yup, good points ChrisA.

Well here is what I learned to take TimeLapse, you can use any DSLR to take your own time lapse providing that:
a) Your DSLR software has as intervalometer (this requires your DSLR to be plugged to your notebook, cheap, not really portable)
b) Buy a intervalometer device to hook it up to your DSLR (not compatible with all DSLRs, most costly, portable)

Quoted from WikiPedia.
An intervalometer is a device which counts intervals of time. (Other names include interval meter and interval timer). Such devices commonly are used to signal, in accurate time intervals, the operation of some other device. For instance, an intervalometer might activate something every 30 seconds.
So for camera use, a intervalometer operates the shutter at a number of set intervals.

Well correct me if Im wrong :D

Here are some links that will prove useful:
Link 1
Link 2
Link 3

There are some cameras that have built-in Time Lapse feature but don't let that alone make you buy the camera :eek:
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