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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Apr 15, 2014
Belgium - Antwerp
Hi Guys,

situation is as follow:
External HDD Porsche 4TB attached to my Imac, mainly use is Time Machine.
On the HDD there are two partitions:
One for my Imac, and one for my Macbook Pro.

What I would like to do:
Can I use this HDD to back-up my Macbook Pro wireless via my Imac?
And if so, what must I do?

Thanks in advance,
Thanks for your answer Weaselboy.

I managed to do it without the server edition by sharing the external HDD, the only thing is that it goes very slow as in 'it needs an entire night to transfer 130 gig via Wifi'.
It's about the same speed as when I bought my Macbook Pro en wanted to transfer my Imac on it.. Not the smartest way to do something like that via Wifi.
Thanks for your answer Weaselboy.

I managed to do it without the server edition by sharing the external HDD, the only thing is that it goes very slow as in 'it needs an entire night to transfer 130 gig via Wifi'.
It's about the same speed as when I bought my Macbook Pro en wanted to transfer my Imac on it.. Not the smartest way to do something like that via Wifi.
I used to backup my MacBook this way. I just hooked up via Ethernet for the first backup and any backups where I knew there would be a large change.
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