I've been getting this "error" message:
It first happened a few months ago, and I did the new backup. It took forever, and kind of screwed up some stuff. Now I'm getting the message again. I didn't some searches, and it seems that this is an error message. Is there a fix for it?
Also --I'm backing up to a WD external drive on my network. My Mac's Disk Utilities doesn't see the drive. Is this odd? Is there any way I can run a utility on the networked hard drive?

It first happened a few months ago, and I did the new backup. It took forever, and kind of screwed up some stuff. Now I'm getting the message again. I didn't some searches, and it seems that this is an error message. Is there a fix for it?
Also --I'm backing up to a WD external drive on my network. My Mac's Disk Utilities doesn't see the drive. Is this odd? Is there any way I can run a utility on the networked hard drive?