Ive noticed that whenever I awaken my iMac after a night of being put in the sleep mode, that Time Machine cannot find my eBook. After I restart the computer, it finds the eBook, and Im able to perform a backup, and it backs up my system every hour as normal.
Is there something Im doing wrong? Lots of you use the sleep mode every night, do you have the same problem?
Update: Jan 22: I called Western Digital Tech Support, and explained the problem to them.
They thought it was either a problem with the computer, the power cord or the USB cord. Since the eBook stays powered on, it most likely isnt the problem. They are going to send me a b new USB cord, maybe the one that came with the eBook has a defective connection.
Is there something Im doing wrong? Lots of you use the sleep mode every night, do you have the same problem?
Update: Jan 22: I called Western Digital Tech Support, and explained the problem to them.
They thought it was either a problem with the computer, the power cord or the USB cord. Since the eBook stays powered on, it most likely isnt the problem. They are going to send me a b new USB cord, maybe the one that came with the eBook has a defective connection.