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macrumors member
Original poster
Dec 5, 2018
Hamilton, ON
Interested to know if anyone uses either TimeMachineEditor or TimeMachineScheduler to edit/adjust the time frames for TM backups? Which is the better choice?
Also any input as to how to Verify backup in TM other than the copy/paste a single file from the backup or the Terminal command: "tmutil". I'm NOT using Time Capsule.

I'm running High Sierra OS on my system and the external HDD employed is a WD MyPassport for Mac (4TB).

Any and all input/direction appreciated
I have found TimeMachineEditor to be the more stable and up to date application. It provides all the options I was looking for and they keep it updated as the new versions of OSX come out.

As for testing backups, I've found that having multiple backup destinations to be more helpfull then spot checking. I time machine to my NAS. Then I do a full monthly to an external HD.

Have a great Holiday Season everyone!
TM Editor has worked flawlessly for me over the years. Set it and forget it.

I usually do daily backups after hours. I have restored a number of times to new machines, new drives, etc. without a hitch.\

TM Editor is not really a TM replacement, just handles scheduling backups. Basically, it uses TM for the backup functions and runs commands to start based on scheduled settings.

TM has a built in Verify function. If TM is set to display on the menu bar, Option + Click the icon and a Verify option is available.
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